Week 02 – Now We are Rocking

Get Rocking

Okay, you’ve stretched out and are ready for the semester. Remember this is a learning processed driven by each student individually but within a group context including myself the instructor. This is what you should be thinking about:

  • Do you have your Blog setup with an initial post? Perhaps you want to create a category for this course like tc2027.
  • Do you have Twitter setup? Do you know how to search for and follow our course tag of #TC2027
  • Now that you have those three setup, please go register those locations at this link.
  • You should be looking up resources for the topics that you are writing about this partial, did you make a plan of your topics and order to blog? How many posts per week, how many per partial?
  • Remember to blog about each mastery topic as well as any other blogging idea that comes to you. Feel free to use your blog for non-course activities but if you do choose that, please let Ken know and dedicate a category (like #tc2027) to your course posts.
  • You are responsible for your learning here but should be receiving meaningful feedback on progress and direction from myself as your instructor. Your goal should be (at least) three visits with Ken (inside office or outside, but outside class time). You can reserve time with Ken at this link.
  • Oh, have fun too.

Continue reading “Week 02 – Now We are Rocking”


Choose your own Adventure

Welcome to this semester and your class. This course may be different than others that you have taken before. Let me lay out a few key points for you.

Please Ask

This course is about you, it may be confusing but we are not trying to confuse you on purpose, explore the content and always feel free to ask questions to your classmates, the instructor (Ken) or past students.

Starting Points

Continue reading “Welcome”