Are there good hackers in the world?

--Originally published at lazynesstothemax

Cyber security is a very important aspect in our systems, networks and data. When you want to become a security professional you will have the tools and knowledge to protect your systems but you will also be able to do harm to it and to other systems. Studying cyber computer is looking at the world as a criminal and then to learn how to defend yourself from these attacks. Therefore is it a delicate topic when you wonder if all hackers are security professionals or all security professionals are hackers. In the end, it is all about the person. Someone with good values and ethics will use his/her knowledge to do a good job and not harm anyone in the process.

All this said, Ethics is a very important part in the cyber security world. Companies go throw very rigorous processes in order to select a professional to work with sensible data. They will have very high standards in order to entrust their data to someone that will be able to access it and to “protect” it.

Ethics is something that we learn from an early stage of our lives. We cannot just go to a one day course to acquire good ethics. Our ethics are defined by our education provided by our parents and by our friends when we were young and still forming our character and acquiring values from society. So in conclusion, everyone has their own ethics, their own definition of what is good and what is bad. It is very hard to learn about the ethics of a person but very important if we are going to give that person access to data that cannot fall in the wrong hands.

dr evil austin powers -  "Ethical Hacker"

When we are in the world of cyber computing, without considering our specific values and ethics,

have at least the responsibility to respect the work of others and not steal it and publish it as our own. We have the responsibility of not harming others when we use our computers. We also have to cite the work of others if we are going to use it in our own work and always think about the consequences of our actions and how they are going to affect society.

We have to also be conscious that our actions have legal implications. If we steal, alter or destroy the work and system of others and get caught, there is a high chance of going to jail. So we have to be aware that our actions have many implications, ethically and legally and considering the consequences we must choose if what we are doing is correct or incorrect.


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