Cisco’s recommendations

--Originally published at Allow Yourself to fail and learn… and hack

Collaboration post made with Diego


Same as previous post (link to previous post). Network security refers to all the measures and efforts made to protect a network and its data. The components we care about are the same components from computer security (usability, reliability, integrity).


Having a secure network not only assures a healthy and constant connectivity on the network, but most important it helps to protect personal information from a hacler attack.


To provide protection to a network we need to combine multiple layers for a solution. Each layer containing its own policies and controls. Some popular types of network security are the following:


  • Access control
  • Antivirus and antimalware software
  • Behavioral analytics – it analizes activites that deviate from the norm
  • Email security – this is the channel where many infections occur. An email secuiry application blocks incoming attacks
  • Firewalls – set a barrier between your network and outside networks
  • Network segmentation – it is intelligent to classify and restric a network to limit the privilegies and content each segment has.
  • Web security
  • Wireless security


For more security recommendations visit the following link: