--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog
This week a member of the team automatized the setup, and run methods of the application. As this is a two part project, we are focusing on the python micro-services of gathering, cleaning, and storing data in our database.
We are using a JSON to normalize data for our relational MySQL database. We already discovered how to establish connection from Python to a MySQL database using the PyMySQL library to make DDL & DML queries.
This is an example of the code to do so.
from __future__ import print_function import pymysql conn = pymysql.connect(host='', port=, user='', passwd='', db='',autocommit=True) cur = conn.cursor() #cur.execute("CREATE TABLE Partidos ( ID int NOT NULL, nombre varchar(50), PRIMARY KEY(ID)); ") cur.execute("INSERT INTO Partidos VALUES (111,'PAN','IZQ')") cur.execute("INSERT INTO Partidos VALUES (112,'MORENA','DER')") cur.execute("INSERT INTO Partidos VALUES (113,'PRI','IZQ')") cur.execute("INSERT INTO Partidos VALUES (114,'MOVIMIENTO CIUDADANO','IZQ')") cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Partidos") cur.execute("DELETE FROM Partidos") print() for row in cur: print(row) cur.close() conn.close()
This is what I’ve done so far in the project, and I learned how to use micro-services in Python. I will continue doing generic automatization of queries for when the database is up and running.
Keep tuned for further news on the development of the project.