A Deadline’s Deadline

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

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Guys I hope you are so proud as I am, it has been quite a journey up here, I’m pretty sure we all have been through things, some of us harder than others but the feeling is the same, I want you for a second, to clear your mind and tell yourselves that you are so proud of youselves, you should be, all the things that you have done are quite admirable, so you do deserve some applauses. Now lets finish this up, yep we are on the final chapter, which means that this journey is about to end, but I am pretty sure you will have plenty of adventures more to be part of, so by now lets finish this, let see how does things end up for our beloved Mr T.

Final Chapter

This time I am not goin to give a wide explanation of the book, I am just telling you what I think you guys want. For the first part of the book Mr T is dreaming, dreaming with a Genie who actually can tell him the future, and of course Mr T wants to know about the future of those who helped him through all the book

  • Belinda: She will just become an U.S. Senator fiom the State of California
  • Mr B: A special assistant in the White House, and then to the Federal Prison at Danbury
  • Airline project: It will be finished, it wil have some trouble but no crashes
  • Markov: He became the Minister of Internal Affairs

Which means that the future of everyone who helped him was actually set up, just one was missing Lahska, the time to leave Morovia had come, he could not say goodbye to his old girl friend, she was the first reason why Mr

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Deadline 22

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

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Well if you got this far let me congratulate you, it has been a long road, this book has been our partner for a while now, we could have read it in one night, but whats the point of that, right? but let me tell you something, we are not finished yet, almost but not done, last time we actually got what we aere looking for, we got Lahska, we got rid of Mr B and now everything seems to be A O K, lets see if the book has for us some other trouble or are we going to deliver our projects now.

Chapter 22

Hey yall looks like we did it, all the effort and sweat and blood what we gave on all the projects finally seems to be blooming , because and pay attention to what I am going to say

  • On May 24 QuickerStill -B delivered
  • On May 29 QuickerStill -C delivered
  • On May 30 PMill-C delivered

You guys know what this means right? Yup, not only we actually finished two of the six projects but we did it just before that Mr B deadly deadline, this means that maybe Mr B’s deadline was not that stupid at the end of the day, at least not for the small projects. Wait a minute, I am receiving another great new, remember that old morovian leader that suddendly left morovia and left Mr B as the new leader, well seems like he is back and he is happy and healthy at all, not Mr B, I am talking about the NNL.

Everyone was happy to see the NNL again, everyone even our beloved Mr T, when they finally get to meet face to face the NNL could not handle his hapiness, little did Mr T knew

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Deadline 20 & 21

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

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It is almost the end of the book and I am really exited about it, I will not give you any spoiler about which is the last chapter so you’ll have to read every single post I post, evil? Maybe, do I do it on purpose? Of course, in this journey we are going together, so if I am not finished neither you are, anyways focus on the book, the last time the book kept flat, nothing exciting and nothing usefull, not a new school lesson so a little meh, not bad and not good, lets see if this thing gets better, I really hope it does.

Chapter 20

One more we get to know from a character that we thought that it was going to be really important to the story but suddendly dissapeared from one day to another, yup you guys know who am I talking about, none other than our dear Lahska, she left a message to Mr T about sending a friend of hers to meet at Morovia, none other than another strange men who apparently got kidnapped and sent to morovia than none nother than that evil disappearing woman we missed.

That strange mas was calles Harry, apparently he was someone really famous, someone who has been writing about everything in the field, an expertise who knos everything what is needed to do things right, and in that moment that was exactly what Mr T wanted. Remember that angry manager from a few chapters before well seems like no one could got rid of him, so our hero told Harry about it, and a few moments later that problem was no longer a problem, that manager got demoted, the thing that was happening with this manager is that he only wanted to rest,

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Deadline 19

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

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In the last chapters we dicussed about the repercutions about conflicts, not only in business, but in every field, and what is the proper way to try to treat those wounds, the trick here is to aply the solution to where it hurts, and allways try to meditate before trying to confrot it directly, just a wise advice from someone that have been into a lot of conflict, so for these chapters I am really hopping for something really juicy and story related, we are almost close to the deadline of the projects and the end of the book so I want juicy things.

Chapter 19

Of course when troubles came in a book they need to be more toubles, so the hero, in this case Mr T gets to decide the best option, not for him but for all the ones who are related to the problem and in this case, those who are afected are none others that the A team projects, seems like after some evaluation all the teams were doing really good, but the team A, the ones who are in charge of Mr B projects, of course this was something that Mr T did not expect to happend at all, he just wanted everyone to develope something worth use, not wanted to let team A go worst and dow.

The main problem here was the strategy that the A team managers were running, aparently the designning that they were doing was nothing useful for the project at all, and the real reason why this was happening is that actually these design was meant to be made by a small group of people, but in A team the group is really large, and in something so important and crucial like the design document we

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Dealine 17, 18 & Interlude

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

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The last post actually ended pretty good, even tho the chapters were not the best of the best they were what I wanted and expected so I was really happy about it, that much happy that I decided to do this post after the other one, yeah I’m in that mood so ready steady and go, lets read this things and see what does the book has for us, cant wait, or can I?

Chapter 17

Aparently the problems around our hero are way to far from ending, because in this time we are going to talk about conflic and how to solve them, well… kind of. Conflict in our field occurs more than the amount that we want it to, because as developers we think that one way to do things is the best way to do it, and other can actually think the same for other ways… so in this case conflict becomes one real deal in the business something these conflicts can be solved just by talking, something easy something simple. But what happens when the conflict becomes that big that one talk is actually not enough?

Apparently our super heroes decided that getting someone that can teach them the proper way to solve conflicts, and the best way to avoid having those, even tho they are really common they can be avoided, soo if they want to learn how to treat conflicts they need to understand conflicts as they pure form, where does most of the conflicts originate? and Who is the one who solves those conflicts, well in kinder garden usually kids tend to get into a lot of trouble, and of course there is someone, an adult, who makes things calm down, they needed to find that adult that Guru of conflict

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Deadline 15 & 16

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

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In the last post we actually discussed about two different chapters, one that was actually not that good, and other one that actually shined in both of them there was actually no important story related things, some little problems that were solved at the end of the day and some learning that gives us something to discuss at the end of the post, so yeah, I am actually hopping to see something cool, extravagant and explosive, I dont know if because of the mood that I have or something else but lets star reading, lets go.

Chapter 15

In this chapter feels like everything is going down for Mr T, even he got rid of Dr M and all the things that wer actually making him struggle, there was actually one man that was triying to make it hard for our beloved hero, and this was Mr B, he of course wanted Mr T to get things done quicker, because all the projectsthat Mr was developing were costing tothe Morovian goverment 30 millions a year, so a lot of money was on the game and they could not be loafing around anymore.

This ment that Mr B wanted everyone to be working on the projects, it does not matter if overwork hours were needed, those projects must be ready by that deadline yes or yes, this could be a problem for the morovian workers because as we are goig to see later working more hours definitely does not means things are getting done quicker, just a spoiler for next posts.

And if that was not enough a new notice came, aparenlty the olimpic games are going to be hosted in another place, and can you imagine where? Exactly in Morovia, what a great time to add more work

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Deadline 13 & 14

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

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The last time we talked dicussed about the book it was kinda like something that we actually did not expected to happen, the promotion of Waldo to a manager, it of course adds to the book a little bit of spicyness, which is actually what we needed from the book, as we totally know this book is like a roller coaster, sometimes it makes us feel like we are on the top of the hill and sometimes it makes us fell the other way, but lets look what the book has for us.

Chapter 13

This chapter actually feels like nothing that important, because it actually star with Mr T wanting to accelerate the things, aparently the QuickerStill project needed to be finished before Mr B’s new deadline, and of course as its name tells things needed to get quicker still if they really wanted to be finished by that time.

Just a little problem with the project, now Mr T needed Waldos’s help, because he was the one who adviced him on this hard situation but now Waldo has other business to attend because he got promoted the last chapter, and this new assistant was good but he wanst Waldo at all, time’s running out and the software needs to be ready, so the only thing that comes to Mr T is to speak with the people he already know and ask them about how to accelerate things, little did Mr T knew that the solution that we will be given was the one he already had, there is no such thing as short term, every project is different in its own way, this means that no other schema needs to be followed, instead make one for QuickerStill, thats the only way to get things faster,

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Deadline 12

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

Before reading

I know it has been a long since I wrote a post but I did not feel like doing it, but now we are back in the game so lets start. The last time we talked about the book we ended up in a situation where all the things were running perfectly for Mr T, but then the NNL decided to leave Morovia and leave someone in charge, someone called Mr B, and this Mr B decided to update things a little bit he reduced the deadline for the six projects and desmantelated the a and b teams that he had for every project just to make one team per project, of course Mr T was not happy about it but with his coworkers decided to run the same projects but withouth Mr B to know it, which actually means more work to do, and less time.

Chapter 12

By now and with the changes Mr B did all the good developers were now working on the projects for Mr B and the other devs were working for Mr T in a place that General Markov knew and Mr B did not. This means that now they have 18 projects to run six A teams and twelve B and C teams, which of course is a tremendous amount of work, which of course our main characters will have to deal with it, it could no everything perfect right?

While Mr T was hanging around he found a misterious letter from Lahska, a letter that said that she was now working in a company in Massachusetts where they focused on meassure things but more specifically software, and that she met someone that could be really useful for Mr T operations now that he has more work to do and

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Deadline 10 & 11

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

Before reading

In the previous chapters we talked about two new different characters one that seems to be a current character, Markov, and one that only appeared to show Mr T about project managemen and how to assure that the projects that he is doing get to their full potential, Dr Rizoli, they were not the most interesting chapters of all but sure they taught us a lot about project manamegent, which of course is the focus of the book, now lets read The Deadline.

Chapter 10

Time has happened since the last chapter apparently Mr T is in Rome because he has been living the life of a project manager, and by that time he actually contacts with a friend to know about the money that the morovians promised for him, that since the first day a big amount of money would be in his account and as they said the money was in its account, by talking to that friend they get to remember a boss of Mr T when he was an employee back in the day, Mr T actually remembered this person because he was actually a really good boss, if an employee remember a boss is either for one of two reasons, that boss was actually extremely great, or it was extremely rude, there is no middle point in here.

As they keep talking his friend actually introduces someone that could be usefull for Mr T, this person names Jamid, they get to meet once they are there, Mr T of course wants to know about what Jamid has done for project management because eventhough Mr T is not the most expert of all, he is going to keep learning until he becomes the best, Jamid tries to explain Mr T that usually the guts

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Deadline 8 & 9

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

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The last chapter that we talked about The Deadline it actually ended in a very instrctural way.
the chapter focusen on teaching us how to recognize when a interviewer really cares about the team they are into, instead of just working and developing, the main focus of the previous chapters were to realize that creating a loving work eviroment is actually more important than just having the best developers, lets see what the book has for us now.

Chapter 8

The chapter starts in a diferent way that from where ended the last time, Mr T gives a brief explanation of what has been happening during the projects work, because all of the six projects seem to have already started to beeing developed, for each project there is 3 teams developing the same product, to see how rivality and competition can influence in the teams to create one really great project.

Mr T statrs thinking about what would they need to controll the teams and how does these teams are going to be evaluated in terms of success, Lahska who is the one that kidnapped Mr T suddenly remembers of a famous doctor names Dr Rizoli, who is a manager that has run some very cleverly controlled experiments, he could be the one that helps Mr T with his problem, Mr T recognizes that Rizoli could be really helpfull for his project, but how would Mr T convince sush a famous character to fly to Morovia just to talk about six projects, little did he know that Lhaska was actually setted uo everything to make Rizoli arrive at Morovia, and this time without kidnapping, just confunsing Rizoli, one really tricky but clever way to reclute Rizoli.

This is a gif of a cat and a man playing
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