The deadline: Capítulo 22 y 23

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

Es el último blog que escribo sobre esta novela.

En teoría, esta pequeña historia explicaría distintos elementos necesarios para ser un buen administrador de proyectos.

Sin embargo, a lo largo de la lectura me ha dejado con más que solo eso. La idea oculta aqui es, que para ser mejores administradores, es necesario ser mejores gerentes, mejores líderes. Ya que, de forma implícita, el administrar los recursos de una empresa o un proyecto, implica administrar el elemento más valioso que poseen: El capital humano.

En una organización, lo que hace posible el éxito, es el capital humano.
Src: Giphy

El trabajo se puede cuantificar, medir e incluso analizar. El dinero se puede ahorrar, gastar o invertir.
Pero el capital humano es un recurso que, es invaluable y los daños a este, son incalculables, así como difíciles de reparar.

Al trabajador, que forma parte de la institución, en su labor creativa, es necesario darle ese reconocimiento, haciéndolo parte de los triunfos de la empresa.

Cuando escuché que, algunas personas recibían acciones de la empresa como parte de su contrato, no comprendía del todo porqué las empresas tomaban tal acción. Ahora, puedo entender que, al ofrecerles stock y volverlos dueños parciales de la institución, su sentido de responsabilidad por el crecimiento y desarrollo de la empresa se hace latente.

El crecimiento del empleado significa el crecimiento de la empresa. El crecimiento de la empresa significa el enriquecimiento del empleado. Src. Giphy

El desarrollo de la empresa se vuelve tarea de todos y es una tarea aceptada, pues todos toman parte de ella.

Las empresas deben ser prósperas, preocupándose por sus empleados, acorde a la novela. Yo podría atreverme a complementar esta idea, con que, una empresa y todos sus empleados, deberían preocuparse unos de los otros, para el crecimiento común.

El concepto

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The deadline: Capitulo 20, 21

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

Vaya, has llegado hasta aqui.

Se va acercando el fin de esta novela, y con ella, también se acerca el horizonte de nuevos proyectos e ideas a desarrollar.

El camino ha sido largo y, si bien, a veces, mientras me releo, creo que estos blogs son un montón de ideas pseudo aleatorias, un conjunto de ideas delirantes, que funjen como válvula de escape, creo que, en resumen, hemos aprendido un poco a volvernos mejores gerentes, al ser más humanos.

Mirando de reojo los problemas.

– Tu no tienes problemas. Oh, solo tienes pequeñas molestias quiza, pero nada significante.

-Es exactamente lo que iba a decir, como lo sabes.

-Porque eso es lo que la gente dice siempre cuando tiene muchos problemas.

-The deadline. Conversation between Mr. T. and Mr. Winnipeg

En mi experiencia, tendemos a minimizar los problemas, o tratarlos como si fueran una situación apasionante o retadora. Es bueno y sano tener una perspectiva positiva de los problemas. Pero a veces, la situación nos sobrepasa. El estrés es magno. Y muchas veces no nos damos cuenta que necesitamos ayuda.

Ni el estrés, ni los problemas son divertidos.

¿Porqué caemos en esta compleja situación, en la cual minimizamos los problemas?

Src. Giphy

Luego de buscar un poco, armé una teoría a partir de distintos puntos y enfoques que la psicología le da al lidiar y resolver problemas.

Este fenómeno, principalmente se debe a problemas de inseguridad. Esta inseguridad nos lleva a ese deseo de demostrarle a los demás, ( aunque no exista ninguna necesidad) que somos capaces de sostener situaciones que, en realidad, son insostenibles. Esto nos puede llevar a llenarnos de problemas, lejos de resolverlos.

Entonces, ¿de donde sale la saturación de problemáticas?

No hemos aprendido a distraernos de los problemas

Aprender a distraerse es una necesidad. Existen hábitos

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The deadline: Capitulo 19

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

Conforme avanza la lectura de esta novela, me siento más inmerso en las tierras de Morovia. No por el hecho de haber sido secuestrado por una espía de una nación tiránica, sino que, de un día a otro, la realidad que conocía ha desaparecido y en su lugar, han aparecido nuevos retos a los cuales debemos adaptarnos, para seguir adelante con los proyectos del día a día.

This pandemic happened so fast . . . I feel like Mr T. being abdused by Lashka.
Src: Giphy

Hoy más que nunca, la lectura de esta novela me cae como un consuelo ante la total incertidumbre que existe en estos tiempos.

La reflexión de hoy será más que breve, a pesar de mi deseo de extenderme, pero el capítulo de esta semana es por sí mismo, muy corto a lo que contenido corresponde.

Como diseñar adecuadamente.

Esta pregunta me ha surgido más de alguna vez, principalmente el semestre anterior. Existe teoría del diseño y, hablando de forma específica del diseño de Software, sabemos bien que existe teoría sólida para realizar esta actividad. ( Tomemos como primer ejemplo, el gran libro de Patrones de diseño).

Sin embargo, como tal, para diseñar todo un proyecto de software, tenemos pautas, ideas y guías, sin embargo, aún así sigue siendo una actividad no automatizada. Se necesita del conocimiento, práctica y experiencia de los diseñadores.

Más de alguna vez he dirigido mis blogs al diseño ( Como ejemplo, tenemos el breve análisis de los Patrones de diseño), y si no mal recuerdo, en este blog definí como separar systemas en entidades más específicas, con tareas simples.

En este punto, debemos retroceder dos pasos y volver a los conceptos adquiridos al estudiar el Paradigma Orientado a Objetos. Como indican en la novela, para definir adecuadamente los bloques en los Continue reading "The deadline: Capitulo 19"

Deadline Chapter 13 & 14

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

Note: The next blogs will be written in Spanish. This is due, by now, I’m running out of ideas about how keep this blogs fresh and fun for both parts. My objetive is (mostly) always give to you a pleaseant lecture while we learn something.

La fecha de entrega, o linea de muerte, acorde a los angloparlantes.

La novela, hasta ahora, lejos de ser una historia de ficción y aventura, como al principio creí que sería, se está transformando en un triste caso de la vida real.

La administración de proyectos es un andar de constantes obstáculos.
Src. Giphy

Los problemas con los que tiene que lidiar Mr. T. constantemente parecieran extraídos de la realidad. Uno tras otro, obstáculos para no llegar a la fecha de entrega. Es tan realista que aterra.

La novela suele tener muchos puntos interesantes, aún algunos solo tomen una o dos frases. Durante este escrito me dedicaré a hablar de esos pequeños ( o no tan pequeños ) puntos, conforme el interés fue surgiendo.

¿Es necesario seguir siempre los protocolos?

A lo largo de la lectura, encontramos al equipo de Mr T. en auditoría. ¿El objetivo? Medir el nivel de certificación en procedimientos de los empleados. Lo curioso para mí, era la definición de la certificación del nivel 2, definida como la certificación de la Repetibilidad: Los equipos, hagan bien o mal los procesos, mientras siempre los realicen igual, están dentro de la norma.

Por un lado, podemos justificar este pensamiento, ya que un protocolo tiene como objetivo, definir las reglas y procedimientos a seguir en cierta situación. Por ende, al tener procesos repetibles, al menos existiría un protocolo para ellos.

Sin embargo, a fin de cuentas, el objetivo primario de un PM, debería ser minimizar costos en la medida de lo posible. Así,

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The deadline chapter 12

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

Once in a while, I can’t sleep. During those nights of insomnia, I tend to overthink. Among those relfections and constant rolling over in my bed, sometimes I think why am I doing what I’m doing.

I n s o m n i a, my usual f(r)iend. Src. Giphy

The novel puts in a clear way the usual reasons why people does what they do. Is for help humanity? Is for make something awesome? Is just for fun? Is because there is no other way to live?

By now, I have been drawn the conclusion there is not a correct answer. Just make whatever you want, and if you neither want it nor is a need, just drop it, and go on.

Each people has their own standards, maybe, the most valuable in life for someone is being free and enjoy a good stared night ( like Belinda in the novel ) or make something with some meaning.

The curious part here is, that special meaning is giving it by us. At the end, is just about finding something which you give the meaning you need in order to keep waking up, everyday, to do whatever you have to do.

The end of this charapter had lead me to some interesting ideas, like, the burn out syndrome has a simple antidote: found other activities which, could be meaningful to you.

Find your motivations. Keep working hard. Src. Giphy

Metrics in a project

This project talked about some metrics, but I think all those ideas were too much complex for the intentions of these blogs. As I said the last course, the key for develop code in a rapid – clean way, is breaking down the project in minimum, doable operations. This approach could be used to measure code, counting minimum

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The deadline Chapter 11

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

We all love daydreaming and we usually do for any context, including (and lots of times ) for laboral situations.

As Mr T. said, it would be the best picture if we have “a supportive manager above and competent people and challenging work below”.

Once again, we could start deaming how this utopian situation could be, as exciting and relaxed as a trip accross a vineyard.

Src. Giphy

But we know, reality most of the times is far away from our sweetest dreams.

Mr. Belok. The dark face of politics, economics and presure.

Mr. Belok, according how he sound for a manager. Src. Giphy

The truth is, most of the times, work enviroments are involved by politics, requirements, goals, deadlines, gains, losses, money money, money.

As a good manager, we should being flexible enough to adapt any changes it could happen meanwhile the project is developed.

As Mr T. says at the end of the chapter, “Pathological politics can crop UP anywhere, even in the healthiest organization”. We are not safe of politics, because work enviroments ( as real world ) is always changing.

Sometimes is not because of some devil guy who want’s to spoil everithing up, but because of external causes.

At some point in my life, while I was working in certain enterprise, I was present in a Q&A where the CEO announces that the enterprise had to change its internal politics in order to adjust to the newest laws. It was surprising to hear, in this kind of huge company, lots of engineers arguing and yelling, complaining about all the extra work they had to do, ( and the changes about the way they were working till that moment).

Mark Z. at F8. Src. Giphy

Changes are real stuff. How could we handle this kind Continue reading "The deadline Chapter 11"

The deadline Chapter 10

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

It’s Saturday night, who in the world would be reading Management novels by now?

Me, reading at Saturday night.
Src. Giphy

After reading the current chapter, my perspective of this book change completely. Having a physics background, I’ve learned that “If you can image something, then you can model it”. Till now, in the novel the author have been presented ideas about management which are most oriented to define good practices in soft skills management. And, don’t get me wrong, this is great and very useful, but there is necessary in someway measure and predict results.

Measure is necessary to get better results.
Src. Giphy

“If you can image something, then you can model it”

This idea is applyable also in management. This work enviroment could be treated as a system. And, if it’s a system, it will have inputs, outputs, tuneable quantites and constants in it.

I love the way how the author represents the work enviroment as a system, it looks very similar like an Automatic Control System.

For example, the usable workers model looks pretty similar like a water pipelines system, and the results looks pretty similar in an analogous situation.

I could say we can evaulate a model as correct ( even if the system to simulate is not a physical system) if you can find these two characteristics in it:

  • It covers the most important elements which could alter the system. The most significative variables.
  • It has some analogous characteristics with natural systems.

Why modeling?

Remember that in the last blog we say one the most important ideas of management is control risks and cut your losses?

How could you know if something is a risk or if that element could transform into a loss if you can’t watch the future outcomes? Simulating them!


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The deadline: Chapter 8 & 9

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

Well, Here we go again.

Along the reading of this novel, It came this idea to me,
that Mr. T is some kind of Mr. Scrooge man, who has aparitions
from different ghosts of software projects managment.
During these chapters I found some interesting ideas I think I should talk at least a little bit.

Communication is essential

At the chapter 9, there is this scene, where the general Marklov is presented to Mr. T.
Then he said something like: Oh, this workers are not gonna make useless work anymore, we are getting offshore work.
This line got confused to the NNL, covered as Mr. Lider. Don’t get me wrong, I think the initiative of the General was great and pretty clever, and maybe he had the power to make that call.

But he didn’t communicate his decision to his direct boss.

Maybe it looks like nothing, maybe it was a little detail it was not the point of the charapter. But it’s important.

Is highly necessary in a health company. . . Is:
Src. Giphy

Communication is necesary, in any direction, upwards or downwards. In my opinion, the more communication “downwards” the more the employees feel they belong to the company. Of course, there should be some calls that aren’t supposed to be published, but this idea should keep in mind a good manager.

On the other hand, a good “upward” communication, could help us to point flaws or red flags during the process of a project.

This idea lead us to the next point.

Risk management

Manage projects by managing their risks.

Basically, if there is not risk in a project, Management would be the simplest thing to do ever.

Basically, because there are errors which are caused by little flaws and mistakes, the manager needs to keep track

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The Deadline: Chapter 6 & 7

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

There’s some point in life, when we have to decide who is gonna be part of our projects.
Sometimes, this decision is pretty easy and unconsious, like, choosing a dancing partner, or maybe who will be your team for the next
school homework.

If get the right dancing partner is difficult, how complex could be hiring?
Src: Giphy

Sometimes this decision implies money, and therefore, huge consequences.

Let’s talk about hiring.

According to the Deadline book, to get the right people while hiring, it’s necessary 4 basic elements:


Most of the ability to hire, comes from the experience. This sound pretty obvious, but it has sense.
It’s practically imposible to know someone in a couple of sheets of paper from a resume. The momment the interview becomes ( or even before ) you could have the chance of observe this traits you need in your employee.
Observation. It’s all about it. People who unconsiously develops this skill call it guts.

Observe your candidates, watch their steps . . .
Src. Giphy

The novel show us that this process of watching little details about our interviewee goes far from the actual interview. At the novel they had the facility of meeting the interviewee last coworkers.
This could lead us to draw an important conclusion: We could know somebody way better from their interactions with other people. If we could observe this kind of scenarios, we take advantage.

But for me it arises a little problem: What happens when I don’t have enough experience nor time to make mistakes?

Well, I don’t think we could get a shortcut for this, but It could be very helpful keep the eye awake and observing all intentions and actions from others. For me this has been helpful to refine my sight.


I’m not gonna get

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So, Software Eng. has Economics?

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

As Engineers we create products, develop solutions. These projects not only (could) have a potential benefit for the society development and wellness of the people who would use our products.

From this idea, we could endorse an utopical image of the world, where our services are offered as a gift to the world, because, Who wouldn’t love being part of the progress of this society, impacting lots of lifes over decades or, even more, over centuries?

The world without money. Src: Imgflip

This sounds great, but it would be way better if we are paid for this.

The cruel reality is, we all need money. We all want money. People or enterprises, everyone is looking for money, making more and more profits. In this course we have to attach to this point of view. An Engineer’s work has value, it could be represented as a factual payment, each company deserves profits for their services. This thinking is healthy, because we deserve that paid for our services. This self-valuing thinking is responsible of all our Economy, for several centuries.

Settled our basis, let’s dive in Engineer Econ.

Source: giphy

A brief definition of Eng. Econ.

A whole definition I found about EE. Engineering economics quantifies the benefits and costs associating with engineering projects to determine if they save enough money to warrant their capital investments. Engineering economics requires the application of engineering design and analysis principles to provide goods and services that satisfy the consumer at an affordable cost.

Engineering economics involves the systematic evaluation of the economic benefits of proposed solutions to engineering problems. The engineering economics involves technical analysing with emphasis on the economic aspects and has the objective of assisting decisions.

Engineering economics is closely aligned with Conventional Micro-Economics. It is devoted to problem solving and

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