--Originally published at Meeting the Deadline

Presurez doggo foundz at https://www.toledoblade.com/a-e/living/2020/05/25/Be-prepared-Heartworm-season-is-fast-approaching/stories/20200524022

It is what it is. People can’t think faster, wait faster, or work faster, even if pressure is applied to them.

(Did you hear me, stupid Belok? You’re crazy for wanting people to work all 7 seven days a week with overtime! So selfish)

This is not only obvious or trivial, but it was modeled by Mr. T and Belinda. With data recovered by Waldo (Mr. T’s assistant) from older projects done in Morovia, they could uncover and prove that higher pressures or impossible work conditions can’t accelerate a project’s speed or efficiency.

On the other hand, they found something rather curious:

Overtime makes people work less!

Funny it came out, because this very thing is happening to me right now in my job.

Turns out people who do overtime tend to say “Meh, I can do it later at night, it’s okay”.

But no, it isn’t. By doing this, the work done in regular hours is of less quality and/or quantity due to the “flexibility” that the new added hours present.
Instead of the goal that is really work the paid hours and deliver something of value.

So, what’s the alternative here?

Send people home. For real.

All managers should state that employees should not stay up late doing work. They should turn off the lights and say “everybody OUT”.

Maybe they usually apply pressure and overtime because they don’t know better, or they’re afraid of the difficulty that other methods present. But reality is one must do what’s right and what’s best , for the employee, for the company and for the project.

So, no more overtime and no more slacking.
From now on, I’ll only work on the designated hours. Afternoon hours won’t be used as overtime no more.

Thanks Continue reading "“PEOPLE UNDER PRESSURE DON’T THINK FASTER” – Chapter 15"
