“Hullo, Webster” – Chapter 23

--Originally published at Meeting the Deadline

Sad doggo foudz at https://www.pinterest.com/pin/93731235981516574/

This is the end of the journey.

The journey started 22 or so chapters back then.

There’s not much to say about chapter 23. Mr. T had a very weird dream (seriously, what the heck), all (or most of) the loose ends where tied up, people got promoted and well positioned in places Mr. T considered appropriate given their set of abilities, and so on.

Mr. T handed his journal, because he knows he won’t need it anymore and prefers that other people can benefit from its knowledge within. A very noble thing to do.

He returned home, but on the way SURPRISE!  A little stop in a foreign country now ruled by a new Noble National Leader.

And when going to greet him ANOTHER SURPRISE! He IS the new NNL! WUUUUUT?

And then at last (and I mean AT LAST) he proposed to Lahksa. Not in the most romantic way, but it worked! And they set on their way to their next adventure. One they would tackle together.

This last chapter was more a conclusion than a lesson in my opinion, but it was necessary in order to give closure to the story, to tie loose ends, give resolve and a sense of purpose to the beloved protagonist and secondary characters. It was, in my opinion, rather hurried and maybe not well thought, but hey, it worked.

This might be a brief introduction to them topics of project management, but I’m glad it was a funny one, with narrative and “real life” examples that could illustrate the reality of this.

But even more than an introduction, it was a inspiration for me, to learn more about the life and many challenges of a manager, and the lessons one can learn in Continue reading "“Hullo, Webster” – Chapter 23"
