Use cases, interactions between an actor and a system.
–Originally published at Miguel’s Blog Use cases are used to organize system requirements and models a system/actor interaction, this interaction must achieve a goal. The
Analysis and Modeling of Software Systems
–Originally published at Miguel’s Blog Use cases are used to organize system requirements and models a system/actor interaction, this interaction must achieve a goal. The
–Originally published at The ingenious hidalgo, Mr. Oscar Del Toro The most difficult part of any software project is to get what the client wants.
–Originally published at Zeger has a blog “Everything is an object here” – Ken Bauer on Smalltalk Use cases in object-oriented design focus on the
–Originally published at A fun blog An important part of getting a software project from the idea phase to actual development is being able to
–Originally published at Gussiny's Blog EL STORYBOARD DE TU SISTEMA En las entradas anteriores he hablado de casos de uso y su gran importancia en
–Originally published at Good Code Practices A use case is a very useful tool that will help to organize a project. Use cases are focused
–Originally published at Profesional learning while enjoying As complicated as it sounds, the answer is YES!! We need to learn how to use and implement
–Originally published at LEARNING AS A PROFESSIONAL La mayoría de las veces cuando se está desarrollando un sistema y hay problemas se debe a que
–Originally published at FABIAN'S GEEK STUFF ñldjfhsldjfn fdd
–Originally published at TC2004 – Hivini Continuing our journey to understand software development, we will stop to think about the important aspect of the product