Final Project Completo

--Originally published at My awesome Blog!

Here i have the final result of my final project. Paco, josue and i worked hard on it and it is finally done

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#define pi 3.14159

using namespace std;

char figura;
int HP, LP1, LP2, HC, RC;
float x, y, z;

int main(){
cout << “Que figura quieres (C=Cilindro/P=Prisma): “;
cin >> figura;
if((figura== ‘c’) || (figura== ‘C’)){
cout << “Ingresa la altura en milimetros (No mayor a 1000 mm): ” << endl;
cin >> HC;
cout << “Ingresa el radio en milimetros (No mayor a 1000 mm): ” << endl;
cin >> RC;
ofstream myfile;“ArchivoCilindroProyecto.txt”);
myfile << “Las coordenadas del cilindro son: ” << endl;
for(z=0; z<=HC; z++){
for (int x=RC; x>=-RC; x–){
myfile << “(” << x << “,” << y << “,” << z << “)” << endl;
for (int x=RC-1; x>=-RC+1; x–){
myfile << “(” << x << “,-” << y << “,” << z << “)” << endl;
for (int y=RC; y>=-RC; y–){
myfile << “(” << x << “,” << y << “,” << z << “)” << endl;
for (int y=RC-1; y>=-RC+1; y–){
myfile << “(-” << x << “,” << y << “,” << z << “)” << endl;
}else if((figura== ‘p’) || (figura== ‘P’)) {
cout << “Ingresa la altura en milimetros (No mayor a 1000 mm): “;
cin >> HP;
cout << “Ingresa el lado 1 de la base en milimetros (No mayor a 1000 mm): “;
cin >> LP1;
cout << “Ingresa el lado 2 de la base en milimetros (No mayor a 1000 mm): “;
cin >> LP2;
ofstream myfile;“ArchivoPrismaRectangularProyecto.txt”);
myfile << “Las coordenadas del Prisma rectangular son: ” << endl;
for(int z=0; z<=HP; z++){

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