WSQ 12 “NÚmer de Euler”

--Originally published at blog de Horacio

wat to do:

In this assignment you will estimate the mathematical constant e. You should create a function called calculuate_e which receives one parameter called precision that should specify the number of decimal points of accuracy.

Numero de Euler:

El número e es un número irracional famoso, y es uno de los números más importantes en matemáticas.

Las primeras cifras son:

2,7182818284590452353602874713527 (y sigue…)

Se lo suele llamar el número de Euler por Leonhard Euler

e es la base de los logaritmos naturales (inventados por John Napier). Por otra parte los logaritmos comunes tienen base 10.



code on GitHub:


--Originally published at c++

En este proyecto se realizo un programa simple para medir la resvoluciones por minuto de un motor, a continuación se muestra fotos del código y de  el diagrama el cual se utilizo para medir las revoluciones.



Este codigo fue realizado en arduino y en este se muestra lo que se pretende realizar para medir las revoluciones.

a continuación se muestra una imagen de las conexiones en el protoboard.

proto.PNG conforme a  los datos que nos proporciona el programa nos da un resultado de 900 rpm


A continuación les muestro un pequeño vídeo sobre el proyecto.



Proyecto realizado por :

Javier Canela

Felipe Valenzuela

Ricardo Bustamante






--Originally published at Programming course

I think I really learned this semester from my career but also from different subjects that everyone should know. Even though my new career doesn’t need this kind of programming, it helped me a lot to learn more about c++ and all the things we can do with it. I enjoyed the class very much and I am really thankful Ken ?


--Originally published at May The Code be With You

Hello, Young Padawans!

This time I´d like to introduce you to my Final Project for the “Solving Problems with programming” class… “The Emulator of Mini-Consoles with Pi”.


Months ago, my friend, Roberto Estrella Mariscal, and I saw a video on YouTube, about a guy who recreated a Mini-NES Console, using a Raspberry Pi Mini Computer and I said “It would be great if we had one of those and we could recreate that”. Then my friend said “I have a Raspberry Pi”, Immediatly I said “Let´s do it then!”, and so we did.

We did a lot of research about how to do it, because we were on 0% on Raspberry Pi knowledge, we didn´t even knew how does it work. But after some research we finally found some video-tutorials and forums that helped us to develope this project.

Here are the results:

As you can see, It has several emulators, for some Consoles,including NES, SNES and GBA.

And the last Image is about us playing the original DOOM.

For this project we used a:

  • Raspberry Pi 1
  • A HDMI cable
  • A clean USB Drive
  • A SD clean card
  • A PlayStation 3 controller

First, after some research, we prepared the Raspberry  to read the hard drives, then we download several files, emulators, software, etc. We Instaled them in their respective HD and finally we did the configurations.

One of the main problems we had with this project was Raspberry´s version. Since this is a Raspberry PI 1, It has a lot less things than the newest one, the Raspberry Pi 3. Things like Wi-fi connection, bluetooth, etc. This means we had to deal with some issues. Like, first we installed a emulation programm named “Retro Pie” but, since it uses Internet connection to download the emulators, we hat to

Continue reading "#Final_Porject"

WSQ13 – SciLab

--Originally published at c++

Scilab es una gran herramienta que creo que encontrará muy útil durante el resto de sus programas de grado y más allá. La motivación aquí es simplemente para presentarle a la herramienta. Scilab es un software de código abierto y funciona en Linux, Mac y Windows

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