
--Originally published at Loading…

Well, I I actually wanted to do this post for a long time, but I always forgot or I was lazy… until today!

In this project I am working with José Miguel and Gregorio. At the beginning Goyo and I wanted to make like the Atari game of ping pong… something like that, but then we noticed that may be it could be more harder than it looks, and it isn’t too functional, so we decided to create a Vector Calculator… something like that, because who doesn’t love to add vectors, or get their product point?

First we think it should be easier, just a couple of functions, switch, and that’s it. But then we noticed that  however easy it may be, will be very long. We add structs by operation to make it simpler, and actually we are working in that to finish our project as soon as possible. Personally I think I learned a lot trying to make this project, now I know very well how to use the structs and the switch, also I’m a better planning and thinking my programs.

We hope our project be ready for the Expo Ingenierías, or at least for tomorrow.