We’ve come a long way from where we began…

--Originally published at Loading…


Well, this is my last post about the programming class, but maybe is not my last post in the life, because this is nice, and maybe I could do it later.

I want to thank Ken for everything in this class, it was one of my favorite classes of the semester. I could remember some things I already knew but I think I learn many more in this time. Thank u for your patient, for teaching us some things and correcting us in our learning and especially, thanks for your friendship.

So, this class is a great help if you want to learn, but if you want to pass the course, I recommend that you don’t be with Ken, you just stress about having to post and get points for no reason. This class is about giving more than just the 100%.  

I hope my other classmates have enjoyed the class as much as I did.

Good luck in the rest of the Tec Life.


--Originally published at OlafGC / Class #TC1017

Hi guys! This is the last post I’ll write, to show you a magic, new and wonderful tool that Ken shared with us. It is called Scilab, and it’s just amazing. It does almost literally everything (except writing your posts for Ken’s class). The link for the video is bellow, and enjoy this, my last post!

Todo acerca de Ken :)

--Originally published at Tec Life

Desde una primera impresión donde creía que el profe iba a ser de los mas estrictos en programación, hasta donde ves al profe como un amigo.

Al hablar de la clase de Ken obviamente ya has escuchado comentarios de ella, ya sea desde que no aprendiste o hasta el profe me hizo destacarme y hacer cosas que no creí que haría en primeros semestres.

El curso de Ken fue uno como nuca había tomado antes, una clase en donde si tu querías te pudieras destacar de los demás, una clase donde aprendes algo mas que programar, sino responsabilidad, digo esto porque porque el sistema era un poco inusual…a que me refiero con esto???, a que no había fecha de entregas, los exámenes no contaban como puntos y tu mismo te evaluabas.

Al principio me pareció algo raro, de como podia hacernos esto ???, pero con el paso del tiempo me di cuenta que era lo que el quería, el quería inculcarnos un sentimiento de responsabilidad, uno de prepararnos nosotros mismos para la vida ya que no todo iba a ser muy fácil.

En la clase de Ken enserio creo haberme destacado, yo un joven de grandes aspiraciones que aprendi hasta de mas en este curso ?.

Una de las cosas que mas me gusto de la clase de ken fue acerca del proyecto final, ya que no nos ponía limitaciones de que pudiéramos hacer, y aunque no expuse en expo-ingenierias siento que yo mismo como persona me destaque porque hice un robot controlado con arduino que bailaba y detectaba objetos, cosa que nunca me imagine que haría en primeros semestres.

Pudiera resumir que el curso de Ken es especialmente para personas que les guste destacar, ya que si solo vas para pasar, no tiene sentido el curso, esta materia creo

Continue reading "Todo acerca de Ken :)"


--Originally published at estefilangarica.wordpress.com

  • Use of comments   (MASTERY 01)


  • C++ Good Style coding conventions (MASTERY 02)


  • Basic types and their use (MASTERY 03)


  • Basic output (print) (MASTERY 04)


  • Basic user input (text based) (MASTERY 05)


  • Calling functions (MASTERY 06)


  • Creating functions  (MASTERY 07)


  • Importing and using libraries (MASTERY 08)


  • Creating and using your own libraries (program with multiple files) (MASTERY 09)
  • Use of the conditional “if” (MASTERY 10)


  • Use of “else” with a conditional if (MASTERY 11)


  • Nesting of conditional statements (ifs inside ifs) (MASTERY 12)


  • Use of loops with “while” and “do while” (MASTERY 13)


  • Use of loops with “for” (MASTERY 14)


  • Nested loops (MASTERY 15)


  • Use of recursion for repetitive algorithms


  • When to use what type of repetition in a program


  • Creation and use of Arrays/Vectors in C++


  • Creation and use of strings


  • Validated user input (ensure correct/expected data entry)


  • Reading and writing of text files
  • Matrixes and Vectors


  • Data analysis with tools (to be determined which tool, most likely SciLab)
  • Visualization of data with tools

The final boss has been defeated!

--Originally published at Programming Path

At last our final project is finished! It was very interesting to make the code, and to make it run properly. My partner Sergio Iriarte and I decided to program a little game, this was because we both like video games and it sound fun to make a game. It felt more like an achievement.

We came up with the idea of programming the game Battleship. Sergio knows how to program in Java after taking some classes on past years, so we decided to do the game in Java. The reasons were because it is a more simple way of programming, is better organized and much easier to use than C++. And of course he was very patient with me because I am new to this thing they call programming.

After making the decision, I had to install eclipse, it was a total disaster because my computer was very slow, but in the end we could defeat this troublemaker called Battleship.

Here is the code:


And here is how we see it when running:

  • * means the user have missed.
  • ~ means the user did not hit that coordinate.
  • X means the user has hit a ship.

Every round, the game gives the user a hint about where could a ship be.


So this is it. We finally finished the project. Just in time for this post ?


Mastery Topics…

--Originally published at Loading…

Number TC1017 Mastery Topic Done? URL to blog post
1 Use of comments ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/01/31/numbers-again/
2 C++ Good Style coding conventions ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/03/10/distance-gave-us-a-reason-to-love-harder-%F0%9F%92%AB%F0%9F%92%95/
3 Basic types and their use ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/02/14/quiz-6/
4 Basic output (print) ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/01/20/hello-world-aleluya/
5 Basic user input (text based) ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/01/24/lets-have-fun-with-numbers/
6 Calling functions ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/02/07/factorial-calculator/
7 Creating functions ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/02/07/now-with-functions/
8 Importing and using libraries ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/01/28/there-was-quiz-today/
9 Creating and using your own libraries (program with multiple files) ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/03/19/ciento-noventa-y-seis/
10 Use of the conditional “if” ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/04/18/quiz/
11 Use of “else” with a conditional if ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/02/03/xy-and-xx-minimum-and-squares/
12 Nesting of conditional statements (ifs inside ifs) ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/01/28/temperature/
13 Use of loops with “while” and “do while” ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/01/30/i-have-a-number-chosen-between-1-and-100/
14 Use of loops with “for” ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/03/19/ciento-noventa-y-seis/
15 Nested loops ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/03/05/fibonacci-number/
16 Use of recursion for repetitive algorithms ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/05/03/e2-71828182845904523536/
17 When to use what type of repetition in a program ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/05/02/babylonian-method/
18 Creation and use of Arrays/Vectors in C++ ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/03/03/list/
19 Creation and use of strings ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/05/02/multipart-data-files/
20 Validated user input (ensure correct/expected data entry) ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/02/07/factorial-calculator/
21 Reading and writing of text files ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/05/03/go-bananas-or-not-sos/
22 Matrixes and Vectors ? https://xalli0421.wordpress.com/2017/03/03/list/
23 Data analysis with tools (to be determined which tool, most likely SciLab) ☹️
24 Visualization of data with tools  ☹️
Transversal Topics
1 Ability to create C++ file and run from command line (terminal) ?
2 Create accounts: Blog, Twitter, GitHub ?
3 Submit work via Blog RSS and GitHub ?
4 Demonstrate use of Linux sufficient for quizzes/exams ?
5 Install Linux on their own computer ?
6 Ability to create C++ project in IDE and run inside the IDE (advanced topic, not needed early) ?


--Originally published at Loading…

I was a little confused about this, but this classmate’s blog help me a lot, he has very good codes!

Sorry again, I’m a a little pressed with time so I’m not going to explained it. Actually it’s simple, I’m going to leave this link it explained very well and give some examples, I hope it will be useful.

The libraries that I used for this program was the <iostream> & <iomanip>



Go Bananas!… or not? (sos!!)

--Originally published at Loading…

Hi, I think today is the most stressful day in the whole semester ‘cause tomorrow is my Physic exam (and I’m not pretty sure about be ready) aaaaaand, I can’t make this program run correctly… so, in this post I’m not going to explain nothing, I just hope some one could help me to make it work.


It’s supposed is fine, buuuuut… when I run it this happens:

bana Please please please, help me.


--Originally published at Loading…

Well, I I actually wanted to do this post for a long time, but I always forgot or I was lazy… until today!

In this project I am working with José Miguel and Gregorio. At the beginning Goyo and I wanted to make like the Atari game of ping pong… something like that, but then we noticed that may be it could be more harder than it looks, and it isn’t too functional, so we decided to create a Vector Calculator… something like that, because who doesn’t love to add vectors, or get their product point?

First we think it should be easier, just a couple of functions, switch, and that’s it. But then we noticed that  however easy it may be, will be very long. We add structs by operation to make it simpler, and actually we are working in that to finish our project as soon as possible. Personally I think I learned a lot trying to make this project, now I know very well how to use the structs and the switch, also I’m a better planning and thinking my programs.

We hope our project be ready for the Expo Ingenierías, or at least for tomorrow.

Babylonian Method.

--Originally published at Loading…

In this assignment we had to:

 write a function to calculate the square root of a number using the Babylonian method.

When I read it, I thought this would be a bit difficult, buuuuuuut it was pretty easy. First  I investigated about this method, and this page is really good if you want to know about it. Also I found this flow diagram that helped me a lot:


So, the first thing that I did was add the <cmath> library. Then following the flow diagram I made my function. I established two variables, the for the result, and dif for the diferencial. First we equate b with x, then made an operation in order to obtain the dif, if dif isn’t it less that 0.00001 the program prints the b, and made an other operation to give another value to to get closer to the square root of x, and made the same until the condition is satisfy.


And here is how it works:
