CIA triad

--Originally published at Computer and Information Security

Confidentiality, integrity and availability is also known as the CIA triad. CIA triad is a model that establishes some principles for information security, it can be seen as an organizer. These three principles are considered as the most importan principles for security. They aren’t the only ones, but they can be seen as the three pillars of security. The following video explains very well these three principles:


Confidentiality can be defined as a series of rules that are responsible for preventing information from reaching the wrong hands. That is, confidentiality is in charge of the access. This access must be restricted for those that don’t have the authorization to see the information. One way to prevent a leakage is to create levels. Most of the time, information is categorized depending on the impact it would have if the specific information was stolen.


Integrity is an important pillar to security, it is in charge of the accuracy, consistency and trustworthiness of the information all the time. It is crucial the security of the data. Information can’t be corrupted or edited by a third-party without the autorizaron. Also, while sending data, it must be delivered and received without any modification in between. Software can be involved in order to check the integrity of data that is traveling  from one place to another.


Availability is mainly in charge of the hardware. If there are complications between services or any damage, there must be a resource in charge of fixing it. Also, it needs to be updated all the time and there has to be one that establishes de communication between the different services. There must be an adaptive recovery if it is necessary. It is important to have a way out of problems, even without a person in charge for it.


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