Denial-of-service attacks

--Originally published at Computer and Information Security

Have you ever feel that a webpage is loading too slow compared to other times, a poor network performance while trying to retrieve s file from a cloud server, an increasing amount of time in order to reach an specific service from the internet? It’s obvious that there are many factors that can influence the weak performance from the network, but it is important to take into account that it could be a denial-of-service attack. It’s not that easy to spot the problem, but first, what is a denial-of-service attack?

We can define a a DoS attack as a planned attack to a server in order to disrupt an organization’s network to complicate the entry of their user to their services. The attack can limit the access to the network or even to deny the access. The main point is to prevent any online activity through the servers that are being attacked.

There is also a Distributed Denial-of-Service attack, where the attacker also infects the computers that get connected to the infected servers and now these new computers are used to infect more users. These new infected computers are known as zombies. Zombies are the computers that are controlled by the attacker. With the control of all of the computers, the attacker can use their power to overload the services, such as mail, internet, and network services.

Also, there are three specific categories in which the hackers focus their attacks:

  • Networks
  • Systems
  • Applications


Mainly, all of them create requests to overload the servers until there is no response or until they create an error on the system. One of the main goals is to consume as much bandwidth as possible in order to create slowdowns in networks. Hackers also focus on hardware, such as routers and devices that need network Continue reading "Denial-of-service attacks"

Redes domésticas

--Originally published at Computer and Information Security

Es muy útil saber cómo modificar los ajustes de un módem. Cambiarle la contraseña a la red de la casa o incluso cambiarle el nombre puede llegar a ser muy sencillo y puede a llegar a incrementar un poco la seguridad de la red. Sin embargo, hay más opciones en los ajustes de un módem y éstas pueden llegar a ser implementadas de una manera muy sencilla. Una de las ventajas de acceder a los ajustes de éste es que puedes crear redes locales dentro de la casa o la oficia. La división de la red puede llegar a ser útil para conectar ciertos dispositivos a una de ellas y los otros a la otra, se puede crear una red para invitados, o incluso redes privadas para intentar mantener más segura cierta información que se comparte cuando alguien se encuentra en la misma red. A continuación, se mostrará un pequeño tutorial para crear una nueva red doméstica.

1 – Entrar a la página web del módem

Normalmente, para poder acceder a la configuración del router se tiene que ingresar a la dirección 192.168.X.X. En este caso para ingresar a la configuración del módem de Telmex, se ingresa a El usuario puede variar (TELMEX en este caso) y la contraseña es la clave que viene en el modem.


2 – Ir a Red

Al entrar a la configuración del módem, una ventana parecida aparecerá en la pantalla. Hay que seleccionar la opción de “Red” que se encuentra en la columna izquierda.


3 – Inalámbrico (2.4GHz o 5GHz)

Una vez adentro de la opción de Red, se selecciona el tipo de red inalámbrica que se desea crear el la columna izquierda. En este caso, se seleccionará la red 5GHz.


4 – Seleccionar SSID


Continue reading "Redes domésticas"

Wireless security

--Originally published at Computer and Information Security

Wireless networks

Since the last few years, wireless networks have become very important in the market. We can see wireless networks everywhere, such as in the coffee shops, some malls, on the streets, airports, hotels,  home, school, etc. The problem is that there are a lot of security problems with them. It is important to take into consideration that nowadays, wireless networks carry important information and it is crucial to have a secured wireless network.

Although it is easier to get connected to a wireless network rather than a wired one, it has become more vulnerable because of the facility to get connected to a wireless one. Each day, people are being connected to the internet and its easier to be in risk because of that. But leaving aside those risks, wireless networks have a lot of advantages. Before the explanation of them, i’ll recommend you to watch the next video regarding wireless security:


Wireless Security protocols

In order to protect wireless networks, WSP (wireless security protocols) were invented. These WSP are mainly targeted to protect local networks, such as the ones that are in home or offices. These WSP have their own strengths and weaknesses, but they offer wireless security in most of the cases, sending encrypted data through the airwaves.

The problem with the wireless networks is that the information is send to every device that is listening to the signals, obviously, it has a limited range. One of the benefits of the wired networks is that it has only one connection, between device A to device B. Protocols were created to protect these airwaves signals. We have three protocols: WEP, WPA, and WPA2.

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)

The WEP was the first protocol to secure the wireless networks. The main point of the protocol is to Continue reading "Wireless security"