Waterfal Method



The Waterfall Model was first Process Model to be introduced. It is also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the phases.

The sequential phases in Waterfall model are:

  • Requirement Gathering and analysis
  • System Design
  • Implementation
  • Integration and Testing
  • Deployment of system
  • Maintenance


The advantage of waterfall development is that it allows for departmentalization and control. A schedule can be set with deadlines for each stage of development and a product can proceed through the development process model phases one by one. Each phase of development proceeds in strict order.


The disadvantage of waterfall development is that it does not allow for much reflection or revision. Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and change something that was not well-documented or thought upon in the concept stage.

What is Software Engineering?


What is Software Engineering? Video

The engineering field has taken on many new disciplines as our scientific knowledge has grown. The latest discipline is software engineering. According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), software engineering means applying the principles of engineering to the software development field. Software engineering differs from other branches of engineering in that professionals are building an intangible structure and not a tangible one. It is an engineering branch associated with development of software product using well-defined scientific principles, methods and procedures. The outcome of software engineering is an efficient and reliable software product.

When software projects require engineering, the process begins long before the product is designed – and it continues long afterward. It begins with a thorough study of the software requirements. Some requirements involve the functions the program needs to carry out. The program may, for example, need to verify that a user is authorized to access it. Other requirements involve constraints, for example, systems already in place.

The next stage is software design. This involves creating algorithms, or instructions for the computer. The actual coding process may be completed by software engineers, who have comprehensive training, or by programmers who are versed only in coding.



Floreth's Blog 2016-08-22 23:05:00

Ethics of software engineering:

Software engineers shall commit themselves to making the analysis, specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of software a beneficial and respected profession. In accordance with their commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the public, software engineers shall adhere to the following Eight Principles:
1. PUBLIC - Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest.
2. CLIENT AND EMPLOYER - Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer consistent with the public interest.
3. PRODUCT - Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible.
4. JUDGMENT - Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment.
5. MANAGEMENT - Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance.
6. PROFESSION - Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest.
7. COLLEAGUES - Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues.
8. SELF - Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.
Sources & links:

Floreth's Blog 2016-08-22 23:05:00

Ethics of software engineering:

Software engineers shall commit themselves to making the analysis, specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of software a beneficial and respected profession. In accordance with their commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the public, software engineers shall adhere to the following Eight Principles:
1. PUBLIC - Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest.
2. CLIENT AND EMPLOYER - Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer consistent with the public interest.
3. PRODUCT - Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible.
4. JUDGMENT - Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment.
5. MANAGEMENT - Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance.
6. PROFESSION - Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest.
7. COLLEAGUES - Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues.
8. SELF - Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.
Sources & links:

Floreth's Blog 2016-08-22 21:35:00

History of software engineering

  1. It first started in the 1950's when software separated from hardware.
  2. They started to reclute programmers that where working as hardware engineers.
  3. Software engineering was encouraged by the software crisis of the (1960's, 1970's and 1980's) which was a term used to describe the hard time programmers has when writing useful and efficient computer programs in time.
  4. the 1990's gave rise to the Internet and to a fast growth in the demand for e-mail systems on the World Wide Web. There also was a growth on browser usage that ran on HTML, changing the way information displayed/ retrieval was organized.
  5. 2000's rapid growth in the demand for inexpensive software solutions led to the expansion of faster and lighter methodologies that developed running software, such as Extreme Programming.
  6. Software engineering today is currently rated as the best job in America by Money Magazine.

Source & links:

Floreth's Blog 2016-08-22 21:35:00

History of software engineering
  1. It first started in the 1950's when software separated from hardware.
  2. They started to reclute programmers that where working as hardware engineers.
  3. Software engineering was encouraged by the software crisis of the (1960's, 1970's and 1980's) which was a term used to describe the hard time programmers has when writing useful and efficient computer programs in time.
  4. the 1990's gave rise to the Internet and to a fast growth in the demand for e-mail systems on the World Wide Web. There also was a growth on browser usage that ran on HTML, changing the way information displayed/ retrieval was organized.
  5. 2000's rapid growth in the demand for inexpensive software solutions led to the expansion of faster and lighter methodologies that developed running software, such as Extreme Programming.
  6. Software engineering today is currently rated as the best job in America by Money Magazine.

Source & links:

Floreth's Blog 2016-08-22 17:54:00

What is Software Engineering?

What does software engineering really means?, according to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) "software engineering is applying the principles of engineering to the software development field". For most people programming is considered to be and art or a craft, but in reality programming falls in between and art and a science. Because everything can be an art not just dancing or making music, i believe that something becomes an art when you are really passionate about something that you do. I do think that it's mostly a science because your need a specific process to create and develop a good program. So are software engineers not really programmers?, yes they are. We just differ form them because we take a different approach when it comes to developing software. Software engineers tend to treat programming as a more formal process, with a series of logic instructions, it's focused on the traditional engineering. 
True software engineering follows a life-cycle, which i'll get more into details in the next blog post. 

Floreth's Blog 2016-08-22 17:54:00

What is Software Engineering?

What does software engineering really means?, according to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) "software engineering is applying the principles of engineering to the software development field". For most people programming is considered to be and art or a craft, but in reality programming falls in between and art and a science. Because everything can be an art not just dancing or making music, i believe that something becomes an art when you are really passionate about something that you do. I do think that it's mostly a science because your need a specific process to create and develop a good program. So are software engineers not really programmers?, yes they are. We just differ form them because we take a different approach when it comes to developing software. Software engineers tend to treat programming as a more formal process, with a series of logic instructions, it's focused on the traditional engineering. 
True software engineering follows a life-cycle, which i'll get more into details in the next blog post.