--Originally published at Dude, Suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something!

Once again I did it by myself I think I got the hang of it. The Thinkpython book and my friend Gina who pointed out to me a spesific section in the book which talked about the factorials and had great examples which where really useful in the process of maing this WSQ06. So, the way I decided to start this was by defining a function called factorial with n as a variable. Later I used an If and else to help me out multiplying the number by itself subtracting 1 unit every time its multiply itself until the number equals 1. All this happends cause after I tell the used to input a variable it goes ahead and print it however it calls the functions making work!

THE CODE wsq06-code



--Originally published at Dude, Suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something!

Im so proud of myself I did it all by myself. Well also with the help of Braulio an former student at Ken’s Python course. So Me and Braulio decided to use simple fucntions to achieve our goal. Our goal is that our user is able to introduce two variables as we can see in my code screenshot which the varibles are x and y after that they will be called when they are printed and the function’s will proced to do their thing computing the variables into it themselves and producing 5 different answers.

The CODEwsq05-code


WSQ 04

--Originally published at Dude, Suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something!

I really though all hope was lost in the process of making this WSQ04 until I met my savior who’s name is secret however his blog is public thanks to Code Is Life blog I was able to manage to pass the first hurdle. Which was should I make a function or could I manage to make it work with out it. After looking at some couple other blogs from the class I figured out Code Is Life blog was the one to guide myself. So, I decided to go for the functions which will allow to me to introduce two variables and count how many numbers are in between this two numbers and add those numbers up!

THE CODEscreen-shot-2017-02-20-at-11-12-57-am


THE RESULTS screen-shot-2017-02-20-at-11-12-41-am


--Originally published at Dude, Suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something!

So, making a temperature program would seem pretty easy. However apart from asking the user a variable, grabbing that variable putting it inside a formula and that formula spitting out a answer. The problem goes a little bit more far into the realms of if and else. That were I got stuck in the correct syntax use of the results of the conditions “print(“Water will boil at this temperature normaly”). That when I decided to visit my friends elusblog to ask for some help.I manage to figure out the correct use of syntax and learned that we need to use “:” after the condition.

So The Result of My Journey


So The Result of My Journey In The TERMINAL



--Originally published at Dude, Suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something!


The quiz was challenging at first, after I got the hang of the libraries I needed to import in order to make a slightly more complicated math problem was a new revelation for me. Who knew, after that I investigated on the internet on how to use the while True..break technique to stop user from using a variable below zero. However I think it is not working 100 percent properly how ever the terminal will print a mathematical error mesessage if the user tends to use so it works for me.

My Results using 11 & 25 as variables.


My code in which I failed to use the while True…break property. screen-shot-2017-01-30-at-6-27-38-pm

First “Hello, World!” in Python 3

--Originally published at Dude, Suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something!

So I got home from school, and I really didn’t know how to make my computer say “Hello, World” using python3. So, I panic! After a moment I started to do my research on how to make my computer print a phrase in the terminal. The SOLUTION for those who are using MAC this VIDEO on Youtube made by the ‘Master Code Online’ fancy name but they know how to make videos. I really recommend it’s really straight forward and easy they even show you how to install python3!

Screen Shot 2017-01-15 at 5.06.26 PM.png

My end result after following the instructions on this video is this:

Screen Shot 2017-01-15 at 5.07.05 PM.png
If you have any questions please ask me heres my contact info: 044 333 200 8770