Week 09 – Midway Point

flickr photo by Tracy Reitmann https://flickr.com/photos/tracyreitmann/9379654455 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Half Done

So we are half way through the semester and doing well. The rest of the semester continues focused on what each of you needs to work on as individuals and small groups. I will include the daily challenges (each class day) here below but first a few points:

  1. Remember, this is student-centered learning, you need to drive the learning and ensure that I (and classmates) are helping you get what you need and pushing you to keep learning.
  2. Keep an eye on this page but even more important, be sure that you are watching our Slack Channel. You could install the app for Android, iOS,Windows Phone, Windows Desktop, Mac or just check the course slack page once a day or so.
  3. I will keep posting to Twitter since it brings in outside perspective to our work and helps expose you to your growing Personal Learning Network. I invite you to do the same.
  4. I will release the Rubric for partial#2 later this week
  5. There will be more readings assigned that I suggest (based on request). As always not required but I will assign only readings (and/or videos) that I feel are appropriate and well written for you.
flickr photo by Tracy Reitmann https://flickr.com/photos/tracyreitmann/9379654455 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
flickr photo by Tracy Reitmann https://flickr.com/photos/tracyreitmann/9379654455 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Tuesday Discussion

All about UML, go check the links in our Slack, really go check there.

Friday Discussion

Design Patterns is the topic for Friday. I would also like to wrap up the AMA that we had with Kent Beck

Next Week’s Topics

Stay tuned for links in Slack but these are our topics for Week 10

  • Unit Testing with JUnit
  • Open Source Software

CC BY-SA 4.0 Week 09 – Midway Point by Ken Bauer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.