About A Book…What?!?!?!

So, recently I read about a book called “The Cathedral And The Bazaar” by Eric S. Raymond. Don´t let the name fool you, it´s not a story(or not the main focus), but about programming.

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It is mostly the author´s ideas about programming and a comparison between merchants in the past.

From what I could understand it compares owned programming with the cathedral, where everything is organized and largely comprehensible, with clear rules and owners. Whereas the bazaar is more unorganized, everyone can get there, they are all shouting, but since anyone can be there, it is usually richer in the products it offers, just like an open source.

It has a little bit of story in order for you to understand the comparisons, but not much.

My opinion

First, I want to say that you should take my opinion with a grain of salt, I´m not someone who enjoys reading a whole lot nor programming, which makes this kind of hard to find interesting. However I have spoken to some ISCs who really liked it, and thoght his explanations were easy to understand, and some of his conclusions very interesting.

Overall, I´d recommend to only read it if you are interested in programming, because if you are just a normal bibliophile, it will be hard and probably not worth it.