Crystal method

flickr photo by Inskora shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license
flickr photo by Inskora shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license

That’s right, another development method. At first, I thought there was only a way for software development, then I was taught that there are different development methods such as the waterfall and the agile. And now, after some research, I found that there are not only two, but lots of methodologies.

As you can see, from all the methodologies, I chose the crystal method because I found interesting the name and because I really liked their way of thinking.

Crystal method is like a subdivision of agile process because it also focuses on frequent delivery of working software, high user involvement and adaptability. This method was developed by Alistair Cockburn, a computer scientist known as one of the initiators of the agile software development.

His focus is on the people, interaction, community, skills, talents, and communications with the belief that these are what have the first-order effect on performance. Process, he says, is important, but secondary.

from infolific

At first sight, it looks like it doesn’t care about the software, but if you think about, if you care about your team and make a friendly atmosphere at work, the final product will be well made.

flickr photo by lozikiki shared under a Creative Commons (BY-ND) license
flickr photo by lozikiki shared under a Creative Commons (BY-ND) license

The crystal philosophy is about recognizing that each team has its own talents and skill and therefore each team is assigned a specific process according to their abilities.

You may be wondering “why is it called crystal?”. That’s because it refers to a various facets of a gemstone on the same core.

The underlying core represents values and principles, while each facet represents a specific set of elements such as techniques, roles, tools, and standards.

Marios Alexandrou from


I interpret it like, each facet of the gemstone represents the team members with their own skills and ability working with the same principles.

