WSQ 02….

--Originally published at tc1017 – chivas4ever2009

Here I have my second programm, it was about temperature convert Fahrenheit to Celcius, and to tell if water boils or not at that temperature. This programm was more about using logic. I’m improving with the variables I guess…

***Important stuff I learned***

+The use of ‘if’ and ‘else’.

+To ‘organize’ and clean my code.




WSQ 01…

--Originally published at tc1017 – chivas4ever2009

Finally I did it, after having a lot of problems for finding the ‘ruta’, my first programm was done. After a lot of videos from and with the help of my classmate Luis Felipe, I learned some commands and how to insert variables, then I started trying with that.

***Important stuff I learned***

+ When you finish a line you must write  “endl” WITH L, NOT 1, XX “end1” XX .

+Also I learned how to show the history, just by typing “history” in the terminal.

2017-08-212017-08-21 (1).png

#TC1017 #WSQ01