Course Review #TC1017

--Originally published at Regular Blog


A continuación les proporcionaré acceso a la liga del video review que hice con mucho amor, ahí explico lo que experimenté durante mi primer semestre de profesional en el área de ingenierías tomando la materia de “Soluciones de problemas con programación”.

Considero que aprendí bastante durante el curso, honestamente la programación no es de mis áreas favoritas, pero disfruté la clase gracias Ken Bauer ❤ además tuve la oportunidad de incrementar mi promedio y gracias a la autoevaluación probar mi integridad académica…

No me queda más que agradecer a Ken Bauer y hacerle llegar un saludo de parte de la comunidad de Tec Gear 6106 #BorregosFreseros


--Originally published at My TC1017 programming class

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. This are software programs or platforms used to program. They usually contain a code editor, a compiler (or interpreter) and a debugger. Since all of it is in the same interface, it becomes quite easy to use.

Unlike in our TC1017 class, in which we had an editor (Atom) and a terminal to compile (Bash in my case), IDEs have everything in one place, which means that just with the click of a button, you can compile and run your program, and with another, you can debug it without spending 5 hours of your life finding a semicolon.

In my case, I used NetBeans for programming in Java. I would recommend it, since it works, but the User Interface (UI) is not too friendly. I tried using it for TC1017, but after figuring out how to use C++, we were told that on the exam we were going to use a terminal to compile our programms, so I obviously did not use it.

Another good IDE that many people seem to recommend is Eclipse. I do not know much about it, but will leave the webpages below.

In conclusion, and IDE is basically a combination of tools that you would otherwise need to run manually. So, they are really helpful.





--Originally published at Blog de Aitor

I tried to do a sudoku as I published before but I wasn’t able to finish it because it cause a lot of trouble the windows.h library I wasn’t able to find other library to substitute that one so I didn’t finished my project

Week 13

--Originally published at PZ


alanEn esta semana aprendimos algo que puede ser bastante simple el cual es la herramienta  SciLab que es un software para análisis numérico. El cual en un futuro me puede ayudar mucho en la cuestión de crear y desarrollar formulas, en este caso para probar la herramienta use una de las formulas de aceleración constante la cual es xf=x0 +vi*t+a*t=

Entendi la aplicacion gracias a este video:

Faulty HDD

--Originally published at My TC1017 programming class

So, I have noticed just how many people have damaged Hard Drives, and they don’t know it, thinking it could be because their PC is old, or because they have other software related isssues.

So, seeing how this is a common problom, I will try to speak of my experience on how to detect it, and fix it.

A computer teacher told me, a super fast (and not so reliable) test, is to see how much your disk is working. So, to do this, search for  the Task Manager, then go into Performace. The PC will show real time graphs of the usage of each component of your computer. Close all the apps that you might have running, and look at the Disk chart. If it is NEVER below 50%, you might have damage. I like to wait for a good 10 seconds and see what happens, as well as to take the minimum to be 90%.

Another good way of noticing is checking for noices on your PC. If for some reason you laptop sounds like a 90’s computer when starting up, most likely, you HDD is damaged.

But, the best way of knowing, is running tests on you HDD. In the case of HP and Acer computers, they have programs that can run tests.

I will leave videos on how to do an overall check of your HDD, including the one for HP and Acer laptops.

Tests for HDD

To run a SMART test, open the Command Prompt (Search for it on the search option, or press WindosR, and type cmd)

Command for SMART Test: wmic diskdrive get status


(All credit goes to the respective owners of each video)

Building your own PC

--Originally published at My TC1017 programming class

So, for many people out there, a computer is something mystical that does magic. For others, it is a machine to do work on. And, for some of us, a computer means ONE thing: Videogames.

Yes, I know, for playing videogames you have consoles alright, but it is not as satisfactory and awesome as playing on a PC you personally built. I started thinking about going full PC Gaming about a year and a half ago, but I did not have the resources nor the knowledge to build one, so I started simple: Watching YouTube videos.

By that time, my Laptop had a faulty HHD (Hard Drive), and was REALLY slow, not to mention the programs crashing from time to time. I thought it would be a good idea to change the HDD to an SSD (Which I TOTALLY recommend), and my teacher helped me out to swap it.

Short after, I saved enough money to buy my PC. By that time, Campus Party happened, so while looking at the Gaming Section, I found several retailers selling the pieces I needed. While loooking, I came across this store that offers the service of bulding your custom PC through their webpage, which is awesome and I used. The good thing, is that it allows you to actually have your PC built or just to buy the stuff for you to build it.

Long story short, I made my custom PC, and now I play on it a lot. So, I will leave all of the links to the videos and webpages that got me trhough this awesome story.

Before continuing, it is important to make sure that your parts will actually go along each other. I will leave a webpages which takes your list, and checks for compatibility issues.

In any

Continue reading "Building your own PC"

Final Review

--Originally published at Programming in C++

Para la reseña final del curso realice un video en español sobre mis opiniones durante el semestre.

En primer lugar me gustó la forma de restarle importancia al examen y a las calificaciones, puesto que realmente una calificación no demuestra cuanto aprendiste. Al inicio escuche muchos comentarios sobre esto, la mayoría diciendo que no era buena idea y que nadie iba a hacer nada, cosa que no ocurrió. Ya apara el final, escuche también comentarios como “yo creía que no iban a aprender nada”, cosa que, al menos en mi caso, tampoco ocurrió.

Después están las visitas con Ken. Me parece que, al menos en México, no es muy común incentivar a tus alumnos a visitarte en tu oficina. A lo largo del semestre solo visité a dos maestros, uno de ellos siendo Ken y el otro mi director de carrera; de los demás maestro ni siquiera sabia donde quedaban sus oficinas por si tenia alguna duda. Creo que es importante crear esta confianza entre profesor-alumno para el proceso de resolver dudas, ya que muchos estudiantes no preguntan por miedo.

Por ultimo esta el ritmo del curso, cada quien podía llevar el ritmo que quisiese; podías hacer todo el curso durante el primer mes, o hacerlo todo al final (lo cual no recomiendo). Para mi esto fue muy cómodo, puesto que ya había llevado programación antes y entendía algunos temas. Pero si me toco ver muchos casos en los que si batallaban y me imagino que fue porque no habían llevado programación antes ni una clase con dinámica similar.

Al final me gusto el curso, creo que aprendí, pero de una manera más tranquila y relajada, a mi propio ritmo. desde el inicio mi mayor reto no era hacer los programas, puesto que me gusta hacerlos y es entretenido, si

Continue reading "Final Review"

Installing Linux

--Originally published at My TC1017 programming class

So, as part of the program (and to cover a Mastery Topic), I decided to install Ubuntu (a Linux based OS) on my Laptop.

To do so, i decide to ask Mr. Ken for help, but, he told me it was not a good idea to install it directly, since there was the risk of me losing all of my data. So, he told me to install a virtual machine (VirtualBox) to run it as a computer inside my computer, so that way if it crashed, it would be the program, and not my PC.

So, to do so, you basically have to download virtual box, and install Linux on that one. Im not totally sure on how to do it, but I will leave a video.

In any case, here si the link to download the Virtual Box.

Here is a video from YouTube user sakitech.