WSQ07 – List

--Originally published at Solving problems with programming

In this WSQ i have to look, learn and search everything about vectors ands arrays. and i think it is an important topic because it makes your code easier and programming with this new kind of knowlegde gives you more alternatives.

I´ve to say that not everything was easy, there was days where i can´t find anything that improve my skills with arrays, but with more days i learned enough of vector and arrays.

Here is my code

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WSQ 06 – Factorial

--Originally published at Solving problems with programming

For these final algorithm was some difficult for me because i have never see the topic in the book or class, but my little friend mariel help out with her code and a little but great explanation.

This is my github link:

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WSQ 05 – On to functions

--Originally published at Solving problems with programming

The most easy assigment i have done, obviously not perfect so if you have more efficients codes please give me your feedback.

the best tip i can give you it´s to ask yours friends how functions work, I already help some of friends and my twin brother, so you can ask me if you need it too.

github link (feel free to use it):

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WSQ 04 – Sum of numbers

--Originally published at Solving problems with programming

This was a little difficult to me because i only know how to use condiotionals and i have never work with loops, so i just only need to ask my professor how a loop works and that was it.

This is my github link where you can find my full code

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