--Originally published at Victor´s Spot

This task was very interesting and kind of hard but I believe I developed some habilities that will help me in my future, because my career requires having good knowledge and it is great to know and use these skills on my profesional life.

It consisted in “So for this assignment I would like to see you create a function that receives as parameter the name of a file (this would be a string value like data.txt) and your function counts the number of lines and the number of characters in the file which it returns as a single value (but with two values). You will want to look at how to create/define and return a struct value from a function and how to open and read text files line by line” (Bauer, 2017)


I believe I made used of these mastery topics, taken from

  1. Use of loops with “while” and “do while”
  2. Creation and use of strings

And now a little poem:

You can count a char

but you can not be a star

So you tried to be who you are

And succeed in life

You can download my code here:


Quiz 10

--Originally published at Victor´s Spot

The quiz number 10 was pretty easy and funny because it consisted on

“Write a program (this part in main) which asks the user for a sentence (just any characters and words). Store that input in a string variable.
(note this will read everything up to the “enter” key).

Write a function called countChars that receives two parameters, the string that the user typed and a char that specifies the character we are looking for. It returns how many of that character is in the string” (Bauer, 2017)

First I tought I wouldn´t make it so I get stressed but then I search for some information and I did understand all I had to do so I started, I think I´m learning a lot in this class and I´m improving myself more than I could imagine it.

There is no goal you can´t achieve

if you are determinate to believe


You can download my code in

Have a nice day!Quiz10

WSQ07 The List

--Originally published at Victor´s Spot

This task was very interesting and I can tell that after a week without programming it becomes hard to get back to the “game” so I tried to remember some mastery topics from my old activities, and also I checked on the previously courses to get an idea of what to do so I did it, and I remember how to create functions and it was essential for this task because we needed to use three, because from the list of numbers we entered to the program it has to prompt their average, sum and standart deviation, I can say I develope some new and old mastery topics from which are:

  1. Basic types and their use
  2. Creating and using your own libraries (program with multiple files)

The second one because in the process I tried to create my own librarie but I decided after that it was not necessary so I did not do it. You can download my code in

Click to view slideshow.



--Originally published at Victor´s Spot

Today I will share how I developed another code and how I applied another one Mastery Topic from, which is

  1. Creating function

I considered to use this topic because the programm consisted in create some functions for making easier the code, and i discovered that it is not as hard as I thought, I want to complete this task with a poem:
Functions seems complicated
But no all of them
They can be easily completed
You just need to get used to it

Also you can download my code in


My first Partial with Ken

--Originally published at Victor´s Spot

By these days, I´m finishing my partial with Ken, and I have to say it was very interesting and new for me, I had never cosidered to be part of a class where you can actually evaluate yourself, and I´m plenty satisfied with my results, I learnt a lot and I am sure I will learn a lot more!
I hope the second Partial to be as good or better as the first oneth5RQI5CO6

My experience installing Bash

--Originally published at Victor´s Spot

Well, recently I shared with you my experience installing Atom, but now for testing those codes I have made in Atom, I need another programm in this case Bash, in this programm I have completely Access to my files and with these I can “run” my code and see if it works, but it wasn´t easy for me install it becuase it requires to be developer and I was not sure of  being it, so I had to follow the instructions on and I made it!

I can say I really like this programm and It is way useful! I recommend it a lot.

My experience Installing Atom

--Originally published at Victor´s Spot

Well I want to share with my experience from the course, at the begging I did not have a laptop by my own, so I started programming on Cloud9, which is very useful but once I get my laptop I have to use it for the second activitie but i did not have an appropiate application for coding, so I had to install it Atom, first I needed to download the file from the web and install it as any other application, so I did it, I did not have any problema doing that but then I had to learn how to use it, passing from Cloud 9 to Atom wasn´t easy but step by step I get used to it.