Agile Development

Agile is an ideology for software development that aims towards a practical and more efficient way for teams to make software, the four principles are valuing:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan
Methodologies that are considered agile are:
  • DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method)
    • One of the first agile methodologies (before the "agile" term was used).
    • Centered in teamwork.
    • A common framework in the industry.
    • Probably helped diminish the late-software problem that arose in the beginning of software development.
  • Crystal methods
    • Adaptable to the type of project.
    • Strives towards creating a set of principles that are ad hoc to the project.
    • Many types: crystal clear, crystal yellow, crystal orange...
  • Extreme Programming
    • Continuous and fast software development.
    • Customer oriented, many changes, testing and planning.
    • Feedback is continuous and welcome. 
    • Based in small releases, simple code and design, and good software practices.
  • Scrum
    • Task-oriented.
    • Information transparency.
    • Based on current problems, not predicted ones.
This blog post was written by Enrique García and Katia Chumakova, check out her blog at

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