Micro Bit mini-computer

The Micro Bit mini-computer is to be sold across the world and enthusiasts are to be offered blueprints showing how to build their own versions.

The BBC says they encourage children, especially girls, to code

What is a Micro Bit?

The Micro Bit is a palm-sized circuit board with an array of 25 LED lights – that can be programmed to show letters, numbers and other shapes – and a Bluetooth chip for wireless connectivity.

Rather than enter code directly into the computer, owners instead write their scripts in a choice of four programming languages via web-based tools on a PC, or via an app on a tablet or smartphone.

Once written, the compiled scripts must be transferred to the Micro Bit, which then functions as a standalone device that can be used to flash messages and record movements among other tasks.

A new feature makes peer-to-peer communications possible, meaning one Micro Bit can now transmit data to another, opening up further possibilities.




flickr photo by Timitrius https://flickr.com/photos/nox_noctis_silentium/2830741506 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license