Software Engineering discussion

Participants, left to right:
Enrique, José Manuel, Frida, José Carlos
We discussed the topic on question and the following things surfaced:

  • It is a engineering branch that is dedicated to make software.
  • It includes developing, testing and maintaining software.
  • Software engineering is involved in design so it could be considered an art, in this aspect, the limit is the software engineer's imagination.
  • It is an applied science, and thus includes a methodology that can be followed in order to be successful.
  • Methodology is not all, there is also the developer's criteria that enables a project to be successful.
  • It can be used for a wide variety of things, from low-level stuff like compilers to big user software.
  • The applications are almost everything, some examples are: medicine, administration, construction, education, governments, etc.

We concluded that software engineering can be basically a methodology, but there a lot of possibilities that can expand the engineer's potential, it is one of the most flexible areas in engineering because it creates solutions to everyday problems, from the most simple to the craziest applications.

Software Engineering discussion

Participants, left to right:
Enrique, José Manuel, Frida, José Carlos
We discussed the topic on question and the following things surfaced:

  • It is a engineering branch that is dedicated to make software.
  • It includes developing, testing and maintaining software.
  • Software engineering is involved in design so it could be considered an art, in this aspect, the limit is the software engineer's imagination.
  • It is an applied science, and thus includes a methodology that can be followed in order to be successful.
  • Methodology is not all, there is also the developer's criteria that enables a project to be successful.
  • It can be used for a wide variety of things, from low-level stuff like compilers to big user software.
  • The applications are almost everything, some examples are: medicine, administration, construction, education, governments, etc.

We concluded that software engineering can be basically a methodology, but there a lot of possibilities that can expand the engineer's potential, it is one of the most flexible areas in engineering because it creates solutions to everyday problems, from the most simple to the craziest applications.