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a01551772’s Articles at TC101 Fall 2015, Page 2
Introduction to Programming Python and C++

Author Archives: a01551772


At the beginning it was hard for me to understand what the wsq do, and then I could understand it is not calculating e^x, it calculates e with the number of digits the user wants. And here is my code:  https://github.com/lulisgarciap/wsq11/blob/master/wsq14.py  

Quiz 11 #quiz11

For euler exercise i wrote this code: https://github.com/lulisgarciap/quiz11/blob/master/eu.py And this for the question 2: https://github.com/lulisgarciap/quiz11/blob/master/banana.py  


Hey! this wsq is about the Euclid’s algortihm, to find the greatest common divisor, at the beginning, I was making a longer code, but one of my classmate showed me this way to do it, and it’s the same in a shorter way. here’s the code: https://github.com/lulisgarciap/wsq11/blob/master/wsq12.py


Done!! =) Of course I said Ken’s class is the nicest one haha, really did!

Mastery 19: Use of loops with “while”

Check out the video I recorded about while loop!! :

Mastery 7: Use of comments in Python

This is a video, sorry for the noise, but libraries in Mexico are not as they should be (quiet).

Mastery 2: Ability to create Python project in IDE and run inside the IDE

Hey! This is really easy, you just need to write a code (in my case, I have Atom to do it, you can use the one you prefer). Once you have your code, or before starting you can save it as… with the extensión “.py”, then it will know it is a Python file. Let […]


This wsq11 took me a long time to do it. Lychrel numbers are not easy to calculate! This is my code: https://github.com/lulisgarciap/wsq11/tree/master


Hi Friends! Now this is an exercise for Python 3 about making 2 lists. The final result will be the sum of the products of the ítems in both lists. I used the loop “for” to code. This is my code in Github: https://github.com/lulisgarciap/quiz08/blob/master/p1.py


For this WSQ we need to make an empty list. And the user will give 10 numbers, then the program will give the average and the estándar deviation of them. I imported the module statistics for stdev. This is my code: https://github.com/lulisgarciap/WSQ/blob/master/WSQ10

What should you work on?

Week #12 and more partial exams for you.

For this week's readings:
C++ (TC1017) should either be looking at support for your project, ImageMagick C++ libraries are a good start.
Python (TC1014) should be finishing chapter 11 (Dictionaries).