Bonus Quiz
Not a full percent (see the other bonus point video challenge) but this has the value of any other quiz. Go see PageOne (C++ group) (Python Group) to do the math on the value of this bonus quiz.
I want to motivate EARLY completion of the teacher evaluations (ECOS formally known as ECOA) so this is a scaled system. The earlier you answer, the more points you get! See below for details.
This puppy is happy because she is running to fill out her evaluation of her teachers. Be happy like this puppy.
Apparently the place to go for this is
What to Do
PLEASE do not show private information about what ranks you gave any professors. That is probably against some academic regulation (I didn’t check yet) but just basically not cool.
I believe there is a page after completing the evaluation of a teacher that shows that you have completed the evaluation for that teacher.
Selfishly I want you to do mine so I have 100% participation. Ideally you will evaluate all of your teachers and you can do one at a time, no need to do all teachers in the same session (I heard).
What to Submit
Create a blog post since that encourages others to do this. The teaching evaluations is very important to us teachers and to the entire Tecnológico de Monterrey. Embed that image of course. If the image shows private information that you don’t want to reveal then go ahead and make the blog post without the image and EMAIL the image to Ken.
Of course, include the course hashtag (#TC101) and the tag #ECOS in your post.
Also, please Tweet about this with those same hashtags!
Ah yes, the Points
- 10 points if submitted before midnight November 13th (Friday)
- 9 points if submitted before midnight November 20th (Friday)
- 8 points if submitted before midnight November 25th (Wednesday, the deadline for ECOS and the course)
Bonus Quiz by Ken Bauer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.