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‘#Mastery10’ Articles at TC101 Fall 2015
Introduction to Programming Python and C++

Tag Archives: #Mastery10

Mastery 10.

Description: Basic output (printing) and input (text based) in C++. Learning to print text in a code and let the user input some more of their own. We understand the andvantages of output and input in this mastery. Link to video here.


Mastery10Basic output (print) in Python The main output function is called print(). This function basically lets you make your output look nicer and easier to read. So you can basically take your input and save it in our variable “n” so you can reuse it using your output function print(). n = input(“Please enter your […]

Mastery 9 and 10

Basic types and their use in C++
Basic output (printing) and input (text based) in C++

Here is the link to my video:


Hi guys! Today I’m going to explain you briefly how to make a ‘Basic output’ in python which is called print(). Python has something called Built-in Functions, these are default functions that you will need to run a program correctly. print() is used to show the result of a program to the user, for example […]

Mastery Number 10

Mastery Topic about Basic output and print in Python, made a video about it.
Here you go:


Hi again everybody! Here is my video tutorial for #Mastery10 for basic input and output with text:


Here I post the link for you guys to check out the code of this WSQ, it was a little bit hard to understand, it’s still hard to understand. Thanks to my friend sam, I was able to understand it and based my code on hers. https://github.com/A01154027/TC101/blob/master/WSQ10.cpp


Here I post the link for you guys to check out the code of this WSQ, it was a little bit hard to understand, it’s still hard to understand. Thanks to my friend sam, I was able to understand it and based my code on hers. https://github.com/A01154027/TC101/blob/master/WSQ10.cpp

This is mastery #10. This is about input and output in C++. Easy…

This is mastery #10. This is about input and output in C++. Easy topic. I decided I will use the voice of the last videos for all my videos. Here is my video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lebP-UwsSkg

What should you work on?

Week #12 and more partial exams for you.

For this week's readings:
C++ (TC1017) should either be looking at support for your project, ImageMagick C++ libraries are a good start.
Python (TC1014) should be finishing chapter 11 (Dictionaries).