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‘#WSQ02’ Articles at TC101 Fall 2015
Introduction to Programming Python and C++

Tag Archives: #WSQ02

Flipped Learning

       Flipped learning is right now the most innovative way for students to receive knowledge. Flipped learning consists on decreasing the amount of lectures given in classrooms and implementing a new system.

      In flipped learning, teachers upload their material so students can have access to it in the comfort of their homes. However, this material will not be lectured about during a session. On the other hand, the students will study their material at home and review in class. This way, students can ask questions during the sessions and have the opportunity to solve their doubts more clearly with the help of their teachers.

     This innovation in educations allows introvert students to approach their teachers directly instead of raising their hands in from of their classmates.

     Nevertheless, this procedure might have never been used by students: This will cause some of them to waste their time and do everything on the last minute instead of just managing their time efficiently. This situation is stated in the video “How to Flip aClassroom – Inside and Out”.

Photo Credit: <a href=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/85465967@N00/6395867017/”>Theophilos</a> via <a href=”http://compfight.com”>Compfight</a> <a href=”https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/”>cc</a>


I find this model of lecturing really good because everyone is participating in the class and they learn very fast.
I found this video of flipped classroom, it is in spanish in case someone find it hard to listening it in English.

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WSQ02 – Flipped learning

I watched the video of flipped classroom, and to a certain point it was quite informative. I wasn’t familiar at all with this concept until I started the university. I like the idea because it does feel a like a more student centered class instead of the whole class being only focused in the teacher […]


A new learning & teaching method. Flipped Classroom is an innovative pedagogic system in which the traditional method of professors giving a lecture in the classroom and students doing homework activities about the lecture is literally flipped.   In a flipped classroom the professor gives the material to the students for them to review it […]


This method actually seems pretty interesting. I hadn’t heard about it before. It seems more efficient because regular lectures can get boring sometimes. You have to be careful though, because most of the work relies on the student.

I found this video that explains what flipped learning is not, pretty easy to understand actually.






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WSQ02, Flipped Learning

It seems that flippped learning is better than convencional learning in  many ways. For this course, i think is better to learn in a flipped way, because we can learn more by doing stuff by ourselves, instead of hearing the teacher giving a long boring class about what is a program, how to program, definition […]

WSQ02 – Flipped Classroom

Flipped classroom is an interesting model of having class, for teacher and students. In order to realize this idea effectively, both need to adapt their behaviour regarding schooling: Students need to be reliable and to work independently The teacher should give the students the opportunity to work by themselves by giving them clear instructions and […]

#WSQ02 Flipped Learning

Even with only three weeks, Tec de Monterrey, specially in Ken’s class xD, already change the way I used to think classes are. Here is a completely different way to teach that’s because in some classes they used the flipped… Continue Reading →


Flipped Learning… also known as backwards classroom, reverse instruction, flipping the classroom and reverse teaching, is a new way of learning where the tasks are …

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Holy flippers, Batman! So that’s what a flipped classroom looks like. I had heard the phrase being used before, to refer to a class in which the students watched videos at home and worked in the classroom. However I wasn’t too familiar with the concept, and I must say adjusting to the format is going … Continue reading WSQ02

What should you work on?

Week #12 and more partial exams for you.

For this week's readings:
C++ (TC1017) should either be looking at support for your project, ImageMagick C++ libraries are a good start.
Python (TC1014) should be finishing chapter 11 (Dictionaries).