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‘#Mastery15’ Articles at TC101 Fall 2015
Introduction to Programming Python and C++

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Mastery15 & Mastery16 & Mastery17

Conditionals are generally a way to check something. The classic “if” example is easy to understand. The syntax helps you understand it a bit. A normal if statement would look like this: if(condition): do something Let’s see an example with food because I’m hungry. My code will basically ask if the food is ready by […]

Mastery 15 y 16

Use of the conditional “if” and Use of “else” with a conditional

Here is the link and video to youtube to see this Mastery

Mastery 15 and 16

Use of the conditional “if” Use of “else” with a conditional Here is the link to my video:

Masteries 15 & 16

Use of the conditional “if” Use of “else” with a conditional

Mastery 15 y 16

Mastery 15 & 16

If and Else, really simple code, simple explanation.

Use of IF and ELSE in C++

IF. As you might know, an if statement is the one that allows the user to control if a program enters a section of code or not based on whether a given condition is true or false. One of the… Continue Reading →

What should you work on?

Week #12 and more partial exams for you.

For this week's readings:
C++ (TC1017) should either be looking at support for your project, ImageMagick C++ libraries are a good start.
Python (TC1014) should be finishing chapter 11 (Dictionaries).