The last WSQ for me, this Wsq was relly hard, i needed to investigate a lot and ask many of my friends for help. I also cheecked son other post to understand what to do
Here’s the code of the WSQ16 I don’t like doing this kind of things but I looked of the others codes to find the way to do it… But I finally understand. Github code: wsq 16
Cars… picture taken from: This wsq was little difficult but I asked a classmate and he recommended several pages where he had found how to do it and after that I found it easier. Here the website where I found some libraries: And here my code:
Here’s the last one, I’m free!!! I didn’t understand the column part but a friend from ISS help me, thank you Cesar!! 🙂 GitHub code:
My brain is collapsing, Miguel Cardenas is being my teacher and helping me and stuff. I kind of like him, even though he yells and is annoying, I believe he likes me (and hope he is not reading this). JK
But that ws not the point right, reading files is tricky. But it makes sense and is so much fun!
My code in github:
Hi guys! Here’s the WSQ16. I spent a lot of time doing this, honestly I think it was hard. The only way to succeed is practicing over and over. By the way, here’s my code:
Here is mycode 😀
Foto: En este WSQ encontré muchos problemas y no sabia como hacerlo bien, pedi ayuda y lo resolví, aparte de esto no podia descargar el documento con la información porque en la Mac no encontraba la manera de guardar el texto en .txt, así que pedi a un amigo que me lo mandara para yo … Seguir leyendo #WSQ16 →