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manuelgodm’s Articles at TC101 Fall 2015, Page 4
Introduction to Programming Python and C++

Author Archives: manuelgodm


After many attempts I finally could make the Quiz07`s codes.
This code is for the question 1 (Fibonacci)
And this is for the question 2. (Palindrome)


Factorial Calculator… At first I was not sure how to do it, but I asked for help to mi friend Tony, he is a great programmer! Tony explained me some things about the math operations that we have to do and I could finally do the Factorial Calculator. Here my code uploaded to GitHub!   


Factorial Calculator… At first I was not sure how to do it, but I asked for help to mi friend Tony, he is a great programmer! Tony explained me some things about the math operations that we have to do and I could finally do the Factorial Calculator. Here my code uploaded to GitHub!   


(QUIZ05…) Something very funny that happened when I was writing the code in the function called stars in the quiz was that I could not compile it, but when I arrived in my house I tried to make it, and I did it at the first attempt. But now… here the SUPERPOWER FUNCTION! And the STARSFUNCTION!!! Enjoy it!


On to Function… In this WSQ, we had that write the WSQ03 code again, but now we had make it with functions. I learned to make functions with the book, it´s a great resource, I recommend read and study it. Here my program… and here my code uploaded to GitHub!


(QUIZ05…) Something very funny that happened when I was writing the code in the function called stars in the quiz was that I could not compile it, but when I arrived in my house I tried to make it, and I did it at the first attempt. But now… here the SUPERPOWER FUNCTION! And the STARSFUNCTION!!! Enjoy it!


On to Function… In this WSQ, we had that write the WSQ03 code again, but now we had make it with functions. I learned to make functions with the book, it´s a great resource, I recommend read and study it. Here my program… and here my code uploaded to GitHub!


Sum of Numbers… This WSQ was very easy because I  used the loop that I learned in the last WSQ. I  used the loop Do-While and here my code uploaded in github. Enjoy it! Here my program running 😀  


Sum of Numbers… This WSQ was very easy because I  used the loop that I learned in the last WSQ. I  used the loop Do-While and here my code uploaded in github. Enjoy it! Here my program running 😀  


Pick a number… In this wsq we made a program that generates a random number between 1 to 100 and the user has to try to guess it. I did not had problems with the code. Only I had to investigate in the web some libraries looking for one with a random function. I found it “<stdlib>” and…

What should you work on?

Week #12 and more partial exams for you.

For this week's readings:
C++ (TC1017) should either be looking at support for your project, ImageMagick C++ libraries are a good start.
Python (TC1014) should be finishing chapter 11 (Dictionaries).