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Register Your Blog/Twitter/YouTube - Flipped Learning Open Course
An Open and Connected Course for Faculty Development

Register for the Course

We need your Twitter/Blog and more.

Get Ready

I know you might have already registered interest with another form and I apologize but now we need a few more details to setup the "connected course" part of this course.

If you didn't use the other form, you are joining later but that is just fine! Jump in and join us.

Complete the form below to connect your blog to the You Show site.

This is the place to add the site you are using for this course to the You Show Blog Hub. See also the guidebook for information about choosing a blog platform.

Get Set

We know you are excited, but before you start filling out the form, make sure that:

  1. You have a created or already use a twitter account
  2. You have a YouTube account to publish your videos to
  3. You have created a brand new blog where you will publish your work. This can be any platform as long as it publishes an RSS Feed
  4. Make sure you have published at least one post to your blog (something besides "Hello World")


Go fill out the form over here (click this link).

Credit where credit is due.
This page is similar to and based on the work of Alan Levine and Brian Lamb from their TheYouShow course.