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Unit 0 - Setup and First Thoughts - Flipped Learning Open Course
An Open and Connected Course for Faculty Development

Week Zero - Start Me Up

Remember that submissions can be in Spanish or English.

If you have any questions or feel lost at all, please reach out to Ken early. The format of this course may be very different to what you are accustomed to.

Relax, Don't Panic and always remember where your towel is.

creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Joe Shlabotnik: http://flickr.com/photos/joeshlabotnik/4661018364

Relax, Ken will give details on submission soon

The form for submitting your blog location is up! Please fill out this form (I know, I hope this is almost the last form) here: http://kenscourses.com/OpenFlipWinter2015/register/

Remember the special video hangouts with super-awesome guests from the Flipped Learning Community!

Wednesday at 8:30pm (Guadalajara time) we have Crystal Kirch, Katie Lanier, Brian Bennett and Audrey McLaren. See the page at https://plus.google.com/events/cglk29e788rfgioglslq719ndl8

Thursday at 1:15pm (Guadalajara time) we have Kate Baker and Troy Cockrum. See the page at https://plus.google.com/events/cglk29e788rfgioglslq719ndl8

This Week's Videos

Setup Your Environment

Much of this was discussed in the "Get Started" page but I will repeat it here.

Before we get to recording your first thoughts we will need you to setup three systems, some of these you may already have in place

  1. Twitter - See the page about this for our course.
  2. Blog - The easy option is one of WordPress, Blogger or if you are Tecnológico de Monterrey affiliated, Ken can set you up here.
  3. YouTube account - Make sure you can login to YouTube and this will give you an account to upload videos to.

Initial Thoughts on Flipped Learning

Please document your thoughts of the topic (Flipped Learning) and your goals during the course. Include any fears, hopes, doubts, experiences (good and bad) and how you think FL can (or cannot) address these for you and your classes. See below for details of how to do this.

You will submit this in two formats: written (Blog Post) and video (YouTube or similar)

  1. Post a short essay (How long? Long enough, a single page even) of your thoughts on this to get them into written format. Video is great, but the written word creates a different type of reflection and also is much more amenable to searching. Please post this to your blog and also include in your blog the tag (or category) #Unit0
  2. Post a short (30 seconds - 1 minute) video screen capture/recording of your reflections on the topic. Please post to YouTube (you can leave it as 'unlisted' or make it public, your choice) and post the link to your reflections here in the comments for all to view or you could also embed that YouTube video in your blog post.

After Submission, Please Interact

This (and each of the assignments) is divided into three pieces. I divide them in order of importance (mostly) to our learning as a group.

  1. Discuss here PLEASE!  It is important to have our own reflections on the material but just as important for ourselves and our colleagues is to share our point of view and see those of others. You should at least have a summary of what your submission is.
  2. Also, feel free to start using Twitter for discussing with the participants in the course. Remember to use the hashtag #OpenFlip when posting so others in this course will see those posts go by in their Twitter Stream.

This Week's Activities


If you have questions, contact Ken. The best mode is via Twitter by tagging Ken in a post (@ken_bauer) or sending a Twitter direct message (DM).  The other option is via email with kenbauer at gmail dot com.



  1. Yolanda Cham Yuen on February 13, 2015 at 11:08 am

    Hola, pues por lo visto este fue el día de hacer tarea para mi.
    Saludos a todos!!! 🙂

    • Ken Bauer on February 13, 2015 at 11:16 am

      First comment on the course, thanks Yolanda.
      It looks like you tried to put a YouTube in the comment but it seems to have broke. I saw it in the email I received to approve the comment….


  2. Mary Marín on February 16, 2015 at 10:53 pm

    Tres cosas respecto a la semana zero:
    Primera, ¡No veo mi blog en All Blogs! ¿Por qué esa discriminación? Ja! O ¿Acaso estaré ciega y no lo vi? Según yo, la publicación que puse relataba mis expectativas.
    Segunda, siento que no terminé la tarea de esta semana, ya hice mi blog donde postee mis expectativas, ya tengo twitter y sigo a @openflip y ya tengo cuenta de You Tube. Solo me queda la duda respecto a si debía hacer el video de YouTube con mis comentarios previos al curso o no. Como que me siento en domingo por la noche y con la sensación de no haber hecho la tarea.
    Tercera, me parece que será posible acreditar el tiempo dedicado al curso en horas de capacitación y la vía será contactar a la persona responsable en mi Campus, ¿es correcto?

    • Ken Bauer on February 16, 2015 at 11:01 pm

      Gracias por escribir Mary. Creo que ya estamos mobilizando la comunicación del grupo aquí en comentarios en en Twitter con #openflip.

      Yep, your posts are here: http://kenscourses.com/OpenFlipWinter2015/author/mmarin/

      Me gustaria tener también algo en video de semana zero. Con eso, puedes regresar a verlo al final del curso para ver si hubo un cambio de tus pensamientos sobre Flipped.

      Sobre créditos, yo recomiendo coordinar con responsable del campus. Estoy super dispuesto hablar con ellos y mandar una lista de los acreditados o lo que necesitan para dar creditos a los profesores.


  3. Mary Marín on February 17, 2015 at 1:46 pm

    ¡Ya me vi!, gracias. Haré el video aunque me confieso que ODIO cómo luzco y cómo sueno frente a las cámaras.

    • Ken Bauer on February 17, 2015 at 2:14 pm

      Great, much of what this course is about is pushing our boundaries beyond our “comfort zones”. I also want to expose people to new tools they have not used before (Twitter, making videos, blogs, etc.).

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