Babylonian Method

--Originally published at Valeria CT

I struggled a bit with this WSQ because of the lack of precision in decimals, I tried restricting the loop conditional, but it didn’t work. What I did was I rounded the numbers (multiplying them by 100000000 first) and then dividing them by 100000000 to get the original number but with a limited amount of decimals. This way the conditional == is valid.

Here’s my code:

and the resources I used:


Multipart Data and Files

--Originally published at Valeria CT

For this WSQ I struggled a bit, though not as much as with WSQ08. To begin with, Ken helped me by explaining wich type of file it should open when I went to visit him in asesorías. Then I just dedicated about two hours during the weekend to writing the program. Inside the same file, I did two options: one that counts just the alphanumeric characters and one that count everything but white spaces. The one that is running is the latter, the other one is put as a comment.

Here’s the link to my code:

And the resources that I used:



Defining final project

--Originally published at Valeria CT

For the final project I teamed up with Damian and we plan on doing a glove for mute people that allows them to communicate with those who do not know the sign language.

We want to adapt a glove with sensors and program it so that when the user signs a letters, our program detects it and then, when they’re done, it can read what they said out loud.

We want to use Arduino, since we have the Arduino board already and we know the basics of programming in this language; however, we still need to learn a lot more on how to convert text to audio.



Week from the 23rd to the 29th of October

  • Research and try to learn as much as possible on this type of language
  • Search and buy the materials that we’re going to need

Week from the October 30th to November 5th 

  • Begin writing our code
  • Start making the circuit and connecting the sensors, etc.

Week from the 6th to the 12th of November

  • Test our written part code and make corrections
  • Begin the ‘turn to audio’ part

Week from the 13th to the 17th of November

  • Finish our code and test it several times

November 21st

  • Hand in the final project





Yo soy 196

--Originally published at Valeria CT

I finally made it!

I was working all weekend and some time also during the week on my WSQ08, and I saw that what everyone was saying was true: it was really challenging. What I did is, I worked on pieces of the assignment separately: I did the palindrome check on one program, the inverse iteration on another and the lycherel check on another, then finally I was working on the input of the range.

I believe this was the hardest for me, because I was able to catch negative integers and whether the upper value was smaller than the lower, but when I tried to catch if the user wrote letters or symbols I got into an infinite loop. I worked and did research on this for about two hours until I remembered an assignment from Cham’s class that I helped her student complete where they checked a string to see if it was alphanumerical, digits, etc. So I did this and then I only had to put together all of my codes.


Here’s the link to my GitHub folder that contains the files on this WSQ. The final one (that works) is called lycherel.cpp


There were a lot of resources that I used, here’s a list of them:


Lagging behind…

--Originally published at Valeria CT

This partial has been a little overwhelming for me. I think that I didn’t realize soon enought that it was starting so I thought I had time and I began to lay back on my WSQs.

Another factor for my delay in everything is that I’ve been trying to update my laptop because my touchpad doesn’t work and I’ve been spending a lot of time backing it up instead of working on the assignments.

Also, I did like 4 versions of WSQ07, in which I invested about two weeks, so naturally I’m well behind my classmates. Now I’m working on WSQ08, which everyone says is the most challenging and time-consuming; so I’m trying to organize my schedule as best as possible to get all of my work done at least by the end of next week (up until WSQ10).

I’ve also set my first appointment with Ken, since the beginning of the semester, when it got pushed back and then I canceled it. My intention is to ask for overall feedback and to see if my programs are really correct and don’t have mistakes that can be caught only when certain values are input or something.

I’ll try to write more on my progress in the future,


WSQ07 with Vectors

--Originally published at Valeria CT

In order to let user input values without declaring how many at the beginning, we can use vectors. However, I wasn’t able to perform any function by calling the values in a vector, so I also created an array with values from the vector and the it was easy to perform the function that I had writen previously on my other WSQ07s.

The link to my program is:

The resources I used are:


Quiz Week 10

--Originally published at Valeria CT

I found that this quiz was pretty simple because I had just read how to look for a certain character in a string in the book How To Think Like a Computer Scientist. 

I did a program with the template that Ken provided which can be found here:

And another which actually asks the user to input a string and the character that he or she wants to look for:


Here are the resources that helped me:


WSQ07 pt. 2

--Originally published at Valeria CT

I finally finished my program with an undefined user input. I saw that arrays had to forcefully be defined in order to be used, so I simply set its size to a variable and then asked the user how many values they wanted to input.

Here are the links that helped me and the link to my code:


Back to basics

--Originally published at Valeria CT

I finally downloded the bash terminal (Cygwin), Atom, and the GitHub client on my laptop!

I finally did this because Cloud9, which I was using to write every WSQ, didn’t support the <array> library, so I couldn’t properly learn how to use its functions. I was waiting until I reset my laptop, but it was takin too long and my backup wasn’t done yet, so I decided to download the programs during the weekend.

I’ll probably have to download again later when I reset my computer, but until then, I’m good to go to program without any Internet connection!

Here are the resources that helped me install everything:



--Originally published at Valeria CT

For the WSQ07 I struggled a lot, so I decided to do two programs. The first would contain the basic requirements (10 user input values), and the second with the unlimited amount of user input values. What I did is I set the content of the array to 100 (which would technically be a limit), but I created an extra variable m that would only be modified if the user input for that value was something other than zero (won’t work if the user inputs 0). Everything is explained on my code:

Link to simple program:

Link to complex program:


