Software Development Processes

Processes VS life cycles

Software Development Processes are often confused with software life cycle; and although, it is a series of steps to follow, processes is referred to as all the approaches or models for different types of tasks.

Activities & Steps:

  • Requirement analysis: Mostly analyzing requirements for desired product or software: skills, money, etc.
  • Specifications: Precisely describing what a software is to do.
  • Software architecture: Abstractedly representing the architecture of a software system.
  • Implementation: Actual coding, and implementation of architecture.
  • Testing: Testing the code, or codes.
  • Documentation: In order, to create a safe maintenance ambiance for the software.
  • Training and support: Develop training classes for intended users, so that the software is not new for them, and they notice the transcendence of the system.
  • Maintenance: Enhancing, upgrading, and deleting bugs mostly.

There are several models and methodologies that try to improve quality, and productivity.

Examples of methodologies:

  1. Waterfall processes (Soon blog about this method)
  2. Iterative processes (Soon blog about this method)

2 hours long tutorial explaining more about this topic, and about more methodologies.
