What about the waterfall method?


Known as linear-sequential life cycle model, the waterfall method was the first process model to be introduced. Basically, no further phase can begin if the previous one hasn’t finished. This means that phases never overlap each other.

Model design:

To ensure the success of the project, the waterfall method was the first SDLC to be used. As a Software Development Life Cycle, it divides the process into phases, where the outcome of each phase works as an input for the next phase.


1. Requirements needed for the software to be developed.

2. Requirements are studied, and designing a system.

3. Inputting the design of the system, programs (or units) are created

4. All units are combined into a single system to test the software system.

5. The product is released into the market for customers to buy.

6. Release patches to fix issues in customers systems, enhance the functionality of the product.

Greatest benefits:

It is very simple to use and document. Also, each phase has a specific product and review process. Clearly defined objectives, goals, milestones, purposes, etc. Processes are easily arranged. Each phase is completed one at a time, which ensure success for that specific phase.


  1. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/sdlc/sdlc_waterfall_model.htm