Sometimes we need the feedback from the user and this is how we made by input(), if you don’t know how this is done please check the video below 😀 and learn how to validate what the users typed!!! Here’s the video:
Modules are a very strong and powerful thing inside Python3 if you don’t know how to make one or even how to using here’s a video of how you can do it:D Here’s the video
If you don’t know how to make a tuple or a list I recommend you to see my video to learn how to Here’s my video 😀
Learn how to create while and for i in and also see somes examples 😀 For i, are very use for things like fill things, create list, something that follows a pattern, also create loops While are for things that change over the time like a user input, also it helps to validate things and…
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Here is my video about dictionaries, learn how to create it Dictionaries are very useful and powerful because it’s like link one thing to another, a person to a name, a name to a age, a age to a gender. Dictionaries are mutable so you can add and erase things from it 😀 If you…
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Mastery about how to use elif and else! watch it!
Hi this video will show you how to create and call functions inside Python3:
Hope enjoy! 🙂
Hi everyone I’m going to let here my video about how to install Ubuntu in Virtual Machine. Some important links: Oracle Virtual Machine – Ubuntu ISO Downlaod – Here’s the video:
Hi in Python 3 we have 6 Basic Types for categorize things, let me show you: In Python 3 we have: INTEGERS We can say an ‘integer’ is an integer, some examples of this could be: 1, 23, 3909, -23, 4, -189 Unlike other programming languages python use Integers not matter how high or small…
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Here´s my Quiz 11, I have a little doubts in the first one but I can finally understand what it means 😀 Here’s my code: