#Jorge Fernando Saldaña Cabal #A01350730 archivo = open(“carros.txt”, “r”) lineas = archivo.readlines() #def primero: y = 0 contcity = 0 for i in lineas: x = (i[52:54]) if (x != “”): x = float(x) y = y + x contcity… Continue Reading →
This was a very challegnig thing i’ve got to get through in the semester. To learn how to open and read files i had to read a lot of times the same thing of the “How to think like a… Continue Reading →
In the next video i give future students some tips on how to succed on Kens class. Enjoy it!
In the following video i show you how to use the basics of Github and how you can send your work so other people can see your code.
The following video will show youi have installed linux in my personal computer:
This task was not that hard. We had to make a function that computes an estimation of e, which is a number very used in finances. The trick was our number must have the accuracy given by the user. Here… Continue Reading →
This task was of the most challenging ones of the entire course. We had to make a programm to find candidates of lychrel numbers in a given range. First of all i had to look what a lychrel number was… Continue Reading →
Sometimes we will be coding a fucntion that need to be more than one time. So we will be facing a problem since mayve we would be able to solve our problem by making our algorithm longer but at the… Continue Reading →
So far we’ve seen how to use loops, while and for loops. And we’ve learned that they are very useful in almost any program we want to do. But there will be a time when our programms become complex when… Continue Reading →
For this quiz we had to make two programms. One that calculate the value o e with the given accuracy by the user and a program that search for the word banana in a text file. I struggled with the… Continue Reading →