Here is my video to masteries 22 and 25
My brain is collapsing, Miguel Cardenas is being my teacher and helping me and stuff. I kind of like him, even though he yells and is annoying, I believe he likes me (and hope he is not reading this). JK
But that ws not the point right, reading files is tricky. But it makes sense and is so much fun!
My code in github:
Here is my code to wsq14, hate euler, love euler, our relationship is complicated 3
My code in github:
Here is my video about the course, and flipped learning, etc.
Helloooo, I guess you’ve noticed that all our updates have been through Miguel’s blog. Lets be honest, I’m like a potatoe beside him when it comes to computers. So, actually I profited a lot, because he’s a great teacher. Which lead to him, ex…
What the heck Ken??! This was torture, maybe I should begin practicing my dancing skills… Ok, it wasn’t that horrible, I helped myself by reading like a thousand times mi various classmates quizzes. The helped a lot!! Go to if you need any help.
Or help yourself right here:
#Quiz11 #QUIZ11 #TC1017 #Tc101 #BANANA
I actually skipped wsq14 because I was getting frustrated with life. And this was just what I need. Getting everything into perpective, now I know I have not that much of work to get done, or at least to more that what I can handle.
I’m going to make, broken hearted and physically ill, Ruth is going to make it.
Thanks Ken