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‘#mastery13’ Articles at TC101 Fall 2015, Page 2
Introduction to Programming Python and C++

Tag Archives: #mastery13

Mastery 13

On this mastery I will show you what are libraries in C++ and how to use them.

As you may have noticed, the first line of code we’ve been using is always #include <iostream>. This is called a library and they contain commands that you can use in your program. There are more of them, and you can check a list of libraries and their uses here

Library iostream includes the usage of cin and cout in our program, and strictly talking, that’s all we’ve been using for our programs. There’s a library called cmath that includes the usage of more complex mathematical operations. We are going to focus of this library today and use the command for square root, this library will allow us to simply use the command sqrt instead of making all the manual calculations. So, do as follows:

  1. Open the program we made in mastery 24
  2. Add a variable called squareroot.
  3. After the for loop, add the math operation with the new variable and the cmath command: squareroot = sqrt(total)
  4. Print the result.

Your program should look something like this:

Now let’s run it:

Great! Now you know what are libraries and how to use them, congrats!

Mastery 23 y 13


Importing and using C++ libraries


#Masteries 9 and 13

Mastery 9. Basic types and their use in C++… Here you can find some information about the basic types in C++ http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/variables/ This is a great website to learn C++ Picture taken from http://www.cplusplus.com/ Mastery 13. Importing and using C++ libraries… You can find more information about libraries in those website: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/ Libraries and its functions:…

#Masteries 9 and 13

Mastery 9. Basic types and their use in C++… Mastery 13. Importing and using C++ libraries… And here my video:

Mastery 13 – Python modules

Here is a code i wrote that imports and use the math module:The math module is useful to do calculations, on this example i used math.sqrt() because i didnt know that x ** 2 == x^2Here is another code with another module, this time the statistics modul…

Masteries 13 & 14

Masteries 13 & 14

Masteries 7 and 13: Use of comments in C++ & Importing and using C++ libraries

OK so for this new series of masteries, I am also going to improve myself in movie maker … jajaja 🙂 Here is the video: https://youtu.be/YxFgrD5cA3E Thanks for watching!

What should you work on?

Week #12 and more partial exams for you.

For this week's readings:
C++ (TC1017) should either be looking at support for your project, ImageMagick C++ libraries are a good start.
Python (TC1014) should be finishing chapter 11 (Dictionaries).