Recently we learned about APIs and some of the applications they have on modern day websites, apps and other devices and generally how useful they are.

Was really interesting to hear it from such a big fish in the area, Kin Lane knows so much about APIs that I have to admit I got lost at some point, you can clearly see that he is an expert on the subject and has worked on it for years.

About me

Some crucial information about me.

I’m a computer systems engineer college student on Tec de Monterrey, with a particular interest on videogame development, complex problem solving and user oriented software.

Currently working on my own software projects alongside my lifelong friend and colleague Eduardo M. which forces us to constantly learn new things and become more proficient on software developing.

My main hobbies consist of:

  • Sports; watching and playing football, playing tennis, watching F1 (former shifter racer myself) and playing chess
  • Playing videogames (most recently in a serious fashion rocket league)
  • Exercising and going out with friends (not as much this days)
  • Watching movies/series and reading books
  • Watching documentaries/informative videos on YouTube

I would describe myself as an honest and loyal person, that has a strict morality and expect the same from the people around me. I am a skeptical person and always try to get to the bottom of things, sometimes to the point of over analyzing. I like to constantly learn from others and like to share my knowledge to those who ask for it or my help to those who need it.

My life during COVID-19

Let me tell you about what is my life during quarantine, how I handle to be student and a part time worker.

What did change with pandemic?

Since we are in lock down, the first thing I had to change was my workspace. I couldn’t work on the school or at the office, so I had to settle up a desktop and a chair on my bedroom. This wasn’t easy because my bedroom is small, so i had to find the best way to accommodate them so they wouldn’t take so much space.

After I had my workspace, I started to create a routine. For me, creating a routine is one of the most important things to do because it helps me manage my time, so I can complete my tasks on time and not expend all my time at work less than school or vice versa.

Part of my routine includes establish limits of time for work and for school. I’ve got o the conclusion that for mental health, is important not to be seated in the same space for a lot of time, is very important to have little breaks.

One thing I’ve included to my routine is exercise, why? because it helps me to stay fresh and to clear my mind after all my busy day. I was not used to exercise, but now, is super important for me to do it, even though I spend only 30 minutes.

I’ve always loved reading, but I did not spend time on it.But now in quarantine, I returned to it. I make time for some books I kept on the bookcase. And I found out that that relaxes me before I go to bed.

One of the things I am working on is the sleeping time, I am used to sleep like 5 or 6 hours the most and I know that is not healthy for all the things I have to do. But I’m trying to go to bed early, so I can get my 8 hour sleeping.

Time management was definitely the most important thing I’ve learned during this times. I have learned that is necessary to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at specific time and not skip them because “you have a lot of work to do”. I found my way to do all what I have to do, in the assigned time, but also I have learned that if I didn’t finished at that specific time, the world is not going to end and i can deliver it at the next day.

Those are some of the things I do now that I didn’t do before that are helping me handle the work, school and projects during the quarantine.

I hope you enjoyed this reading and thank you that you’ve reached the end of this post!

Tema 1

Esto es una entrada de muestra, originalmente publicada como parte de Blogging University. Regístrate en uno de nuestros diez programas y empieza tu blog con buen pie.

Hoy vas a publicar una entrada. No te preocupes por el aspecto de tu blog. Tampoco te preocupes si todavía no le has puesto un nombre o si todo esto te agobia un poco. Tan solo haz clic en el botón “Nueva entrada” y explícanos por qué estás aquí.

¿Por qué es necesario?

  • Porque proporciona contexto a los nuevos lectores. ¿A qué te dedicas? ¿Por qué deberían leer tu blog?
  • Porque te ayudará a concentrarte en tus propias ideas sobre tu blog y en lo que quieres hacer con él.

La entrada puede ser corta o larga, una introducción de tu vida o una declaración de los objetivos del blog, un manifiesto de cara al futuro o una breve descripción del tipo de cosas que pretendes publicar.

Te ofrecemos algunos consejos útiles para ayudarte a empezar:

  • ¿Por qué publicas tus entradas en lugar de escribir en un diario personal?
  • ¿Sobre qué temas crees que escribirás?
  • ¿Con quién te gustaría conectar a través de tu blog?
  • Si tu blog resulta ser un éxito a lo largo del próximo año, ¿qué objetivo te gustaría lograr?

No tienes por qué atarte a las decisiones que tomes ahora. Lo bueno de los blogs es que evolucionan constantemente a medida que aprendemos nuevas cosas, crecemos e interactuamos los unos con los otros. Pero está bien saber dónde y por qué empezaste, y plasmar tus objetivos puede darte más ideas para las entradas que quieres publicar.

¿No sabes por dónde empezar? Tan solo escribe lo primero que se te ocurra. Anne Lamott, autora de un libro sobre cómo escribir que nos encanta, afirma que debemos permitirnos escribir un “primer borrador de mierda”. Anne está en lo cierto: tan solo tienes que empezar a escribir, y ya te encargarás de editarlo más tarde.

Cuando todo esté listo para publicarse, asigna entre tres y cinco etiquetas a la entrada que describan el centro de atención de tu blog: escritura, fotografía, ficción, educación, comida, coches, películas, deportes… ¡Lo que sea! Estas etiquetas ayudarán a los usuarios interesados en tus temas a encontrarte en el Lector. Una de las etiquetas debe ser “zerotohero”, para que los nuevos blogueros también puedan encontrarte.

Chapter 23

They mentioned again the importance of a goal and estimates in a project, so in this way you can motivate your people but without too much pressure and stress, because as we saw in last chapters people don’t think faster with more pressure and in my opinion sometimes is even worse work with a lot of pressure because you can make more mistakes.

Another thing I consider important on this chapter was all the lessons that Mr. T learned through all his projects and the importance of having a journal to share your learning with someone else and in case you want to make some reflections about something this journal can help you and I like how Mr. T share his knowledge without anything in change, some people would be very selfish about this and keep this knowledge to themselves but in my opinion is better to share what you have learned because thanks to that you can help to other people improve what you have done and crate a better way of doing things and learned even more about the people you teach.

And in conclusion of all the novel I like how they make the story interesting and at the end of each chapter the novel has a little summary of what Mr. T learned in each chapter, I believe that is a very good way of making someone to do not forget to easily the lesson of each chapter, first because you see the problems they were facing through all the chapter and how they solved it and then at the end of the chapter was a little summary to reinforce all the knowledge of the chapter.