WSQ 00 – Tools (Week 1)

Setup for Success

Their is a page dedicated to tools for the course which you should check out for reference. There are some videos there to help get you started. In particular you want to setup:

  • Your Blog. Ken highly recommends WordPress but other options (like Blogger) can work
  • Your C++ programming environment.  We are using GNU C++ and you will want to use one (or both) of these options:
    • Use Cloud 9 and develop on the web. See the video about this on the tools page.
    • or setup your own environment on your computer with a Shell/Terminal (bash) with g++ and an editor of your choice
      • You install C++ inside of the bash or Cygwin installation (again see the tools page).
      • Your code editor. We recommend Atom but there are other options (again see the tools page).

I created a video (in Spanish) for how to create a WordPress blog:


CC BY-SA 4.0 WSQ 00 – Tools (Week 1) by Bauer Ken is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.