
--Originally published at Programación con Ken

Para esta tarea el programa tiene como objetivo encontrar las lines y caracteres de un texto que le muestres. Tienes que decirle de que archivo tienes que cuantificar las lineas y caracteres, ya que guardaste en el código el nombre del archivo, puedes cambiar el texto con el que quieres que el programa trabaje. ?



--Originally published at Programación con Ken

Creí que los WSQ estaban en orden de dificultad, pero este fue el más dificil que hay enla lista, yo lo hice tarde, pero mis compañeros me habían advertido de este. En esta tarea debes pedirle un parámetrode números al usuario y decir cuántos palindromos, los números que son iguales de derecha a izquierda y viceversa. wsq08


--Originally published at Blog de Aitor

I tried to do a sudoku as I published before but I wasn’t able to finish it because it cause a lot of trouble the windows.h library I wasn’t able to find other library to substitute that one so I didn’t finished my project

Estimating e

--Originally published at ordinary & extraordinary

In this assignment I had to create a function that calculates the mathematical constant e, and the show it on screen with the precision that the user wanted to see. What the function does is to divide 1 by the factorial 0 and then it does it again with the next factorial, but every time it does it, it sum the new division plus the e, and in stops when the remain of the rest of the e minus the previous e is equal to the precision that the user introduce. I love to work with numbers, is one of the things I most enjoy.  #WSQ12 #functions #math

Click here to see my code ?

Captura de pantalla 2017-11-29 a las 14.11.55Captura de pantalla 2017-11-29 a las 14.12.14Captura de pantalla 2017-11-29 a las 14.12.44Captura de pantalla 2017-11-29 a las 14.12.59


--Originally published at Rodrigo's Blog

Through this semester of the course I managed to learn a lot about programming related to c++. Even though we started with a complicated programming language, at the end I had the ability to do a lot more stuff with c++ that I knew before. Within the semester I hoped to learn an easier language this way we could gave advanced more on that area rather than starting with one of the hardest languages for programming. I think it was a great course after all and a very different way of learning.