Snake game

--Originally published at Future Queen of C++

When I came up with the idea, I really believed that I was going to be easy. But only by doing research of what I needed I has a headache, the program uses a library named <conio.h> which only is able for windows (correct me if I am wrong), because of that, the program won’t run in a Mac. But, I tried it on another laptop that was not mine, and it work pretty good.

The link to the code is in here.

Final Proyect

--Originally published at Future Queen of C++


Growing up, I found myself wanting a cellphone not because the messaging or the calls, but because a particular game that everyone was talking about. It’s name? Snake. When Ken talked about us being able to choose what our final proyect was going to be about, I did not doubt it once. I want to know how it is made, and understand the programing behind it. I am totally knew to programing and all this world full of languages and people with quite skills, and I think this game will help me not only with the class, but to share this part of my life with all of you.

I made a schedule to help me organize and hopeful, get a good grade.

Week Oct 30 – Nov 5

  • Make a good research about what I will need to complete succesfully my proyect and understand what kind of language is the easiest to work on this.
  • Schedule a appointment with Ken to help me salve some questions about how is the best way to aproach this proyect since I feel a little lost.

Week Nov 6 – Nov 12

  • Week to do more research and start programing, time to get the work done!
  • Check what topics are new to me, and did not were on the Mastering Topics of #TC1017 and try to get them.
  • Another apointment with Ken to check my progress.

Week Nov 13 – Nov 19

  • Use the new topics and put them out of theory to make my Snake game the best of all.
  • Recall old topics and put them in practice.
  • Have the game at least 90% of the proyect done.

Week Nov 20 – Nov 26