Mastery Topic 26

--Originally published at Valeria CT

At the beginning of the semester, we were required to create a Blog, a Twitter account, and GitHub account. However, I never made a blog post about it, so here are the links to said accounts:

  • Blog:
  • Twitter:
    • *didn’t really use it for this course*
  • GitHub:



“Collage of Digital (Social) Networks” flickr photo by Frau Hölle shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

Tic Tac Toe

--Originally published at Valeria CT


The final project is done! I made the first part, that I published on a previous post, and Damian made the second and last part. From what he told me, he had a lot of help from Ken, but was able to do it nonetheless.

The process consisted of a lot (too much) debugging and then adding new features, like the input user error, play again, etc.

The final code is on the link at the beginning of this post.


Project Update (Plot twist…)

--Originally published at My TC1017 programming class

So, about the project Valeria and I were going to do, we decided to give up on that one. Reason being, that it required a little more time than what we had, so we had to come up with a new idea that was simple enough for us to work fast, but no so that Mr. Ken would tell us not to.

We came up with the idea of making a Sudoku, but er soon realized it was not as simple as we thought. Then, we moved up to a Tic Tac Toe. It turns out that it was not as simple as I thought, so we decided to go for it.

About the game, Valeria made the table, and a function that would make sure the user wrote the correct input. In my opinion, probably the hardest part of the game.

Then, I made sure that the program recognized who won (if any), and allow the players to chose if they wanted to replay or not. At the same time, I wanted to make the file an executable, but I couldn’t since the Ubuntu Terminal runs in a Linux environment.

Without any more waiting, I (as always) will put the link to the Google Drive file.


--Originally published at Victor´s Spot

Well, this task was diferent from others because in this one we had to download a program called Scilab. The reason was very simple Ken told us that the program would be very useful for our student´s life, and I decided to give it a try and I discovered that it is actually a very useful program to math and physycs, I am still learning how to use it completely and I think is going to be an excelent partner in my college.WSQ13

Our project- HANGMAN.

--Originally published at Alexa

I made this project with the help of Lourdes Manzanilla. It’s a pretty hangman game that gives you 7 tries and asks you to choose between 3 cathegories. The most difficult part was turning the hyphens into letters in case they were right. The funniest part was making the hangman. Thanks to this project we learnt a lot of new things and we challenged ourselves.

ASCII art:

Youtube (some videos that helped):

Thanks to Teacher Ken for this course and to all my classmates.

Here is the code:     hangman

Here is the output: project


--Originally published at PZ

El euler es uno de los números irracionales mas importantes, el problema de euler es que al igual que pi es numero infinito, entonce nuestro labor fue calcular los decimales el numero de veces necesaria por medio de una suma infinita.

La actividad numero 12 fue mas simple de lo que esperaba el único problema que tuve fue que me falto  hacer un calculo que en código le llamo fact, pues había hecho de manera correcta la función de calcular e pero me faltaba eso por eso estaba incorrecto mi código.  Lo que me ayudo mucho a entender el código que utiliza una suma infinita fue este vídeo el cual recomiendo mucho.


What is programming in general?!

--Originally published at TC1017 (Python3) – Titel der Website

Dear amigos,

this is a extra blog post, in which i am going to write about programming in general.


Programming denotes the activity of creating computer programs. This is a subsection of software development and includes above all the implementation of the software design in source code and – depending on the programming language – the translation of the source code into the machine language, usually using a compiler.
Programs are formulated („encoded“) using programming languages. In such a language, the programmer „translates“ the requirements and algorithms. Increasingly, it is supported by code generators that automatically generate at least parts of the program code based on models. Other tasks of programmers include, for example, testing of its program, creating software documentation.
In many, especially in smaller software projects and using Agile processes, the design and the creation of a program run in parallel, the program develops in these cases in close interaction with the design and vice versa. In larger projects, the design and the programming (then often called implementation)are processed sequentially. The programmer converts the specifications of the design into program code. Nonetheless, programming is also a creative activity. While the design provides a functional framework, it can be implemented in a variety of ways.
Similar meanings: Colloquially one designates the occasional also the configuration of household or other electrical devices as „programming“. Even organizational units of companies in which software is developed are or were sometimes called „programming“.


About the history:

Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine, which was never built. Ada Lovelace translated in 1843 the description from French and added own notes. These were twice as long as the original French text by Luigi Menabrea. The notes contained a tabular plan for calculating Bernoulli numbers, which is referred to as the first program. These notes

Continue reading "What is programming in general?!"

Mastery Topics – #TC1017 (Python3)

--Originally published at TC1017 (Python3) – Titel der Website

Dear friends,

30 minutes ago, I had an appointment with Ken. Yes, we all know, that we normally program with C++ in this course. But Ken gave me at the beginning of the semester the great opportunity to program with python3 in this semester.

So a lot of things/codes are in python much easier and shorter than in C++. That was the reason for my appointment with Ken. Because of this reason i agreed with Ken that I am going to do a huge blog post with 15 mastery topics.


Mastery Topic #1 – Use of comments


For a comment you just use the Hash symbol (#). What makes the comment to a comment, ist that every symbol after the # is grey.


Mastery Topic #2 – Python conventions (Zen of Python)

The Zen of Python

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea — let’s do more of those!


Mastery Topic #3 – Basic types and their use

Basic (or also primitiv) types in python are: Integer, floats, strings, characters

Continue reading "Mastery Topics – #TC1017 (Python3)"


--Originally published at Future Queen of C++

I created my first code on GitHub in the final week of the semester! But I did it, it wasn’t hard, it was just laziness. And the thing that made me upload this into the web was that I needed to take more than one photo because of the size of the program, really.

But here it is

I used some lines of WSQ09, I think, that’s the correct number I don’t recae really well.

And here is a pie of how it works and what the file was.Screen Shot 2017-11-14 at 6.02.40 PM