--Originally published at MarizProfile

Captura de pantalla 2017-08-22 a la(s) 08.10.20Captura de pantalla 2017-08-22 a la(s) 08.10.20

This was my first programming activity after checking out the basic Tools I needed to make run my codes. Hello.cpp was a very simple program, in which the screen printed “Hello World”. Before starting to write the code, I checked out a couple of tutorials in Youtube about the “basic structure” of a C++ program, so, with that in mind, I started to look up for Hello World tutorial videos, that showed how to write the code, and explained the way it ran.

Hello World

--Originally published at Future Queen of C++

I had a really hard time making this first practice because I didn’t even know how to install the software that I was supposed to install by myself. I started digging a little bit but I didn’t understand a thing. Later in the class a lovely classmate help me out and explained me the basic stuff. By my own, I made a fast research and found examples that looked alike and did it.

My first class

--Originally published at BRENDA

I just had my first class. There was so much to do, that I actually did not do anything because I got confused. When I got home I started reading a book called How to think like a computer scientist by Allen B. Downey to understand what I had to do, and I watched several videos.

I downloaded Atom, to write my code, and installed a Bash terminal on my Windows 10 laptop. After that, I wrote my first code: Hello world. I executed it and it worked!!


First Entry

--Originally published at Valeria CT

To begin my first post I’d like to say that I agree to the TC1017 Page 1.

Now about WSQ00:

For our fisrt assignment we had to set up our laptops with the appropiate software to program in C++. Since my computer has Windows 8.1, the bash terminal that I needed was Cygwin, so I saw Ken’s video on how to download and install it. I was able to do the forst part, but when it came to the actual installation I didn’t understand how to do it. I could’ve just copied what Ken did, but I don’ like to do things without knowing what they are.

Thus I asked Ken to help me but there were some schedule complications, so we agreed that he’d help the next class. However, by then he had proposed another option: Cloud9. With this platform I had no need to install Cygwin anymore, so I signed up on the website and erased Cygwin from my files.

Simultaneously, I began reading the recomended book How To Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen B. Downey. The first few pages were about what is C++ and the basic program for learners “Hello World.” I got the hang of it, but I found annoying that it didn’t explain thouroughly what each word in the code meant or what they were for; so I was able to do the “Hello World,” but I didn’t really get what I was doing. Watching Ken’s video on the subject helped  little, but I would like to research more or practice so I can fully understand what’s going on when I compile and run each program. I’ll try to do more research and practice more the basics before I move on to WSQ01.
