Software implementation


Software implementation is all about bringing clarity in the code, improving its efficiency, reducing coding time and helping others to understand it.

There are different programming techniques, such as:

  • Structured programming: it encourages the developer to use subroutines and loops instead of using simple jumps in the code.
  • Top-down analysis: the problem is broken down into small pieces and each one is solved individually.
  • Modular programming: the code is broken into smaller group of instructions.
  • Structured coding. it sub-divides the modules into further smaller units of code.
  • Functional programming: it uses the concepts of mathematical functions. Functions can be first class and high order, pure, recursive, strict…

Clearly, these techniques are related and can be used in the same code.

Also, is very important to have a good programming style, which is set of coding rules followed by all the programmers to write the code. Most of the time, programmers must work with other people, who will use codes written by other developers. So it’s relevant to make programs readable and understandable.
